DarkRadiant and Quake Wars

(-RedFox-) #1


Does anyone know how to set up DarkRadiant to use with Quake Wars? I have installed the packages using the PPA (ubuntu) but I can’t use a mod name when I try to start, it says the directory doesn’t exist. And when I load a .world file the application crashes.

Any tips?

Thanks in advance!


(iwound) #2

have you tried the wiki?


(iwound) #3

have you tried the wiki?


(.Chris.) #4

Just stick with editworld, it’s million times better, at least from last version of DarkRadiant I used.

(jRAD) #5

.world files are specific to ETQW’s editWorld and aren’t compatible with any public Radiant variants that I’m aware of. They would need some extensive work to fully support the format.

(Setlec) #6

err… is it possible to share the source code of the .world files, maybe? It would awesome specially since there is no linux version of the tools used for etqw…

(jRAD) #7

That’s not something that’s possible, no.

(-RedFox-) #8

Okay, thanks for the answers. I thought I had read that someone was using DarkRadiant for ETQW maps a while back, but I must be mistaken then. I’ll have to hold on to my XP partition a while longer then =]

(.Chris.) #9

You can import brushwork from it as editworld can import .map