Custom Map Nirvana - Reborn

(Donnovan) #401


Glory of the Weak became Alpha 3. Can you put it on server for today matchs, Scrupus?

This update features the second objective and many small changes & improvements.

Download link:

(Ashog) #402


3 major map updates!

/me massively prepares teh beer

(Scrupus) #403

Great stuff - live and ready for stroggification!

Meet up at 18:00 CET if you wanna be the first to die on the new battlegrounds!

(light_sh4v0r) #404

Wasn’t ignoring you Ashog. Well I was actually, but I had a very good reason not to join Nirvana, forgot what it was though.

(Donnovan) #405

Glory of the Weak is now Alpha 4!

Scrupus, can you upload it to server?

(Ashog) #406

For everyone who has troubles downloading custom maps from game server or wants to get them faster from http, here’s teh link:

1 Gb in size.

(BomBaKlaK) #407

thx mister !
I come back soon ! Definitly much better than the new **** !

(m0nsta) #408

I was on Nirvana last sunday but no new download for Base or ATW3, can it be they are locally in ProMod folder?

(.Chris.) #409

They are script modifications found in the campaign pk4.

(taw_m0nsta) #410

Okay thanks

(Donnovan) #411

Want to thankyou guys for the matchs on last Nirvana. Particulary the matchs on the map i’m doing (Glory of the Weak).

I noticed that play it myself on the event is far better than watch demos. I just noticed the faults in loco and the changes are a lot more clear in my mind.

Everything directed to more fun and more Nirvanas!

Thankyou a lot!

(Donnovan) #412

Me again?

Oh! I don’t want to be a dull!

I’m here, because Alpha 6 was released… WHAT ABOUT TAKE A LOOK ON THE THING? On today Nirvana.

It’s… awesomius.


Better you do is download it on Nirvana server ( But if not, download llink is here:

(timestart) #413

Thanks & GGs to those that played this week. Seems without Ashog’s nutsack smell we don’t get as many players.

(Donnovan) #414

Glory of the Weak have bots. At least on it you can add 2 or 4, may be. This is a feature of Alpha 6.

New on Alpha 6:

  • First objective was changed to improve attackers chance of success.
  • Spawntimes increased.
  • Fixed constant husky accident on GDF base exit.
  • Added Bot support.
  • Icarus now receive impulse on launch.

Also, thanks for the massive run arround you and Chris done on that map. I watched the demo.

(Ashog) #415

indeeed :slight_smile:

I’ll be ther tomorrow tho.

And better the sGs nabs be ther too (ESL finished, promise is a promise).

(Ashog) #416

wooooo, new map today!

plus a first beta of glory.


(Donnovan) #417

I was accomited by a fever so i was unable to go Nirvana. Stayed near all day on bed after the lazagna.

I used a common medicament that worked really well, and now i’m looking at the demos. Thanks for point that, Scrupus.

Just wondering why the Wake Island demos are small. Will discovery in some minutes :slight_smile:

Nice week to everyone! :smiley:

And Ashog, you know i am just a player on sundays, but today i was not able.


(Ashog) #418

You are forgiven, son. For now. Don’t play with the Makron.

(Scrupus) #419

New map updates today, so be prepared for some downloads (100 MB), and some gameplay testing!

Server also got new rotations for most of the campaigns, it’s now 4 maps in most of them, and they’ve been mixed around to make more variations. Thanks to Ashog for drafting out the new rotations!

There might be some errors in the configs after all these changes, so PM me if you experience problems.

Here’s a quick list of the new campaigns:

[li] Nirvana 0: New/Updated
[/li][li] Nirvana 1: Canal,Arcis,Abusir,Baserace
[/li][li] Nirvana 2: Maridia,Andes,Viomine,Free Spirit Pro
[/li][li] Nirvana 3: Actifail,Brinstar,Vioestate,ATW3
[/li][li] Nirvana 4: CommLink,Radar,Base,Consite
[/li][li] Nirvana 5: Meltdown,Tower,Free Spirit,Glory
[/li][li] Nirvana 6: Tourian,BSG,Sabotage,Santorini
[/li][li] Nirvana 7: Hoggin,Maridia CTF,Teamjungle,Facility
[/li][li] Nirvana 8: VioE1M1,Sky
[/li][li] Trail of the Makron: Meltdown, Canal, Maridia, Brinstar

By default, server will run them in rotation from 1 to 8, but you can also vote in the individual campaigns as before.

Enjoy! :cool:

(Ashog) #420

Great job Scrupus!

Were nice games yesterday. We managed to:

  1. Lift with an Anansi the MCP that was stuck on the damaged bridge on Estate. The MCP then drove on top of the Anansi across the bridge without constructing it. (I think I even recorded that). Funny that we learn about such things 4 years after the game was released :slight_smile:
  2. Transmit-0-crash your server when some bastard (I suspect Deathwish) transmitted the documents on the corrected ATW3-map at 0 seconds remaining :slight_smile: (this is the second such epic transmit crash that I remember having happened on Nirvana, the previous time being that epic crash at 0 on Estate). Was a really epic game which proves the great job of correcting the map by script has paid off.
  3. Crash your server yet again when in the process of playing the campaign 7, after Hoggin, the Maridia_CTF map was somehow skipped by itself and then after the Jungle was finished, the server shut down. I guess there iz some error in campaign file.

Was really fun, and not only because I was drunk :slight_smile: