Custom Map Nirvana - Reborn

(dazman76) #381

I must get myself along to one of these soon! :slight_smile: I’m away this weekend and probably won’t be back in time, so I’ll hold off on downloading the map pack in case it gets updated.


(Ashog) #382

fun gaimz tonite, also two new maps

welkam back shirosae, we value every additional body to teabag :slight_smile:

(Verticae) #383

Saw ten people in the server, wanted to to join, but by the time I installed etqwpro and the maps, server had emptied out.

See you next week. >;D

(Dthy) #384

Should of took a piccy of the ladder dance!

(shibbyuk) #385

Gutted I missed it, away next week too!

How did Santorini go? Get on to the 2nd or 3rd objectives?

(Dthy) #386

Santorini was good, found the second objective was really strogg bias though. GDF need an anansi or bumblebee, because it’s really hard to take a desi + obliterators down with only trojans and platypus’s

(shibbyuk) #387

Thought that might be the case. Not sure the layout of the map could handle an Anansi though. What if there was one less Desicrator + a second route onto the volcano?

(Apples) #388

Yeah a second route could be good, maybe make the island a bit closer and ad some kind of buildable bridge or tunnel or whatever (maybe a hackable strogg portal that gdf can hack and then use it? this way you wont have to change the map layout as its transportation only)

I’m not sure strogg need less stuffs, as they only have some icarii and one desi, but gdf need to be able to use another road.


(Kalbuth) #389

300+Mb to download over the original 900Mb addons file, made me missed the event
My connection sucks balls :frowning: :frowning:

(Apples) #390

[QUOTE=Kalbuth;341942]300+Mb to download over the original 900Mb addons file, made me missed the event
My connection sucks balls :frowning: :([/QUOTE]

Allways download on saturday :wink: especialy when its been a while you didnt play and need a big upgrade.


(Donnovan) #391

You guys don’t play Retake of the Andes anymore?

(Ashog) #392

random Nirvana shotz!

(Donnovan) #393

New mapa coming! :c)

(Ashog) #394

Guess what custom map that is?

(Donnovan) #395

It’s Abusir?

(shibbyuk) #396

You guys playing tonight? What time?

(Ashog) #397

already starting :slight_smile:

hope for nice games tonite :wink:

btw, gonna post a new Nirvana vid next weeek :smiley:

Can only tell it’s about fighting in the Free Spirit City.

(Apples) #398

May come late but might be there on sundayzZz, peace out!

(Verticae) #399

Won’t be there for tomorrow’s game, got a birthday party to go to. Happy fraggin’ to the rest of you though! :slight_smile:

(Scrupus) #400

Yeah, tomorrow we also got a few more goodies for you - a couple of old maps have been tweaked a little bit, hopefully making them even more enjoyable for everyone:

ATW3 (hacked by master mapper Chris :infiltrator:):

  1. For the hack objective, GDF now have a capturable forward spawn in one of the pier buildings (this was already in the sw mode but now enabled for all game modes).:penguin:
  2. For the HE objective, the strogg spawn close to the explodable door have been disabled. Instead, the strogg will spawn in the building close to the barricade, when the HE objective starts (after the hack). :oppressor:


This map was almost impossible for the strogg attackers to win, due to defense friendly spawntimes. This has now been tweaked, to make it more offense friendly.
Changed from GDF 20 Strogg 25 to GDF 25 Strogg 15.
It’s perhaps a bit too much, but let’s see. :stroggtapir:

All changes are experimental for now, so would be great to play some stopwatch matches on both of them (and also alpha map Glory of the Weak) to see how these tweaks works out, so let’s meet around 18:00 tomorrow and switch over to campaign mode later.
