A new blog entry has been added:
[drupal=527]Currently Hurling Mice/Controllers at… Well, Mainly Batman: Arkham Asylum[/drupal]
Welcome to the latest installment of Currently Hurling, our semi-regular look at what we here at Splash Damage have been playing lately. The traditionally slow Summer period seems to be officially over, thanks to a swift kick in the face courtesy of Batman: Arkham Asylum. The Caped Crusader is backed up by several of his closest peers, including Shadow Complex, DiRT 2, The Beatles: Rockband, Wolfenstein and many others, all fighting the good fight and making sure our thumbs get the workout they deserve.
In this installment, Batman gets lots of love all around, the Dawn of War II office tournament gets underway, and Rahdo obsesses over a board game. This and more after the break.