Containment War Giveaway Event!

(cornJester) #61

im saving for stokaah !

Guess i will take the this guy free…Not gona buy him ![/quote]

Good enough deal, especially if you dislike medics. Give him a try when you get him for free though, he’s tons of fun.

(Mr-Penguin) #62

im saving for stokaah !

Guess i will take the this guy free…Not gona buy him ![/quote]

I already have Pheonix, so I can just buy Stoker!

(3rsh) #63

Current Mood:

(CCP115) #64

Is this the only time an obsidian Phoenix will be given out?

There is no way in hell I’m going to be able to get Phoenix before the update, and I’m really annoyed I can’t get the obsidian.

(DarkMatterMatt) #65

How many other people bought Phoenix just to get the Elite cases? :smile: Lucky I had 130k saved up :grin:

(jazevec) #66

Phoenix is probably the easiest medic to use. Aura is bad on attack and you need to play well to avoid getting station destroyed.

So overall a good move. I’ve been saying Phoenix, not Aura should be the starting medic. This is the next best thing. Maybe future accounts will start with Phoenix instead of Aura ?

(fantasticAsteroid) #67

Are we going to get the loadout displayed in the image, or is it a random loadout?

(Lumi) #68

[quote=“HoopleDoople;98130”]I hate to rain on the parade, but I am very displeased with my pending compensation for already owning Phoenix.

First and foremost, I do not care about recolor skins one iota. A super rare obsidian skin gives me zero added enjoyment or effectiveness. I’d happily use a lead skin for my entire DB career if it came with a full set of augments. Second, because the obsidian is only one specific loadout, it won’t have the weapon I prefer and thus will see little to no use.

Elite cases aren’t much better. Again, the fact that they offer guaranteed cosmetic upgrades is meaningless to me. They also have a massive layer of RNG, so the odds I get a desirable loadout are low (and that’s assuming its even for a merc I own). As an example, the only loadouts above bronze I’ve found from cases so far are a silver Fletcher with Blishlok and a silver Bushwhacker with Blishlok.

As much as I dislike this compensation, I understand a lot of players are thrilled with it. I believe the best way to handle this is to give players who own Phoenix a choice. I propose the following options:

  1. The already stated bonuses of obsidian skin plus 2 elite cases.
  2. A full credit refund on Phoenix.
  3. Choice of any gold Phoenix loadout plus a choice of any one bronze loadout.

Without these changes, I’ll have effectively wasted 50k credits to rent Phoenix for all of 2 weeks. Admittedly, it could be worse - I could have spent real money on him.[/quote]

So you don’t care about cosmetics but want a choice of gold loadouts? You sir, are a fraud…

(Jan S.) #69

This update can’t possibly be better :smiley:

(Grave_Knight) #70

Will it specifically be the KE81? ¬_¬


Wow, now I’m happy I have bought him.
Otherwise I would need to grind credits now.


Psssht…I only have 1k credits. :slight_smile:

(Lumi) #72

If the KE81 is the one displayed then yes. It will be only the one displayed.

(BananaSlug) #73

do i need to log in after the update? because my internet sometimes say nope and starts
downloading 15kb/s :confused:

nevermind i have a week

(tactfulReply) #74

Ladies and Gentlemen means I have to buy the Phoenix I got the card and case but when it got after the weekend so? because I do not understand

(DMaster2) #75

[quote=“HoopleDoople;98130”]I hate to rain on the parade, but I am very displeased with my pending compensation for already owning Phoenix.

First and foremost, I do not care about recolor skins one iota. A super rare obsidian skin gives me zero added enjoyment or effectiveness. I’d happily use a lead skin for my entire DB career if it came with a full set of augments. Second, because the obsidian is only one specific loadout, it won’t have the weapon I prefer and thus will see little to no use.

Elite cases aren’t much better. Again, the fact that they offer guaranteed cosmetic upgrades is meaningless to me. They also have a massive layer of RNG, so the odds I get a desirable loadout are low (and that’s assuming its even for a merc I own). As an example, the only loadouts above bronze I’ve found from cases so far are a silver Fletcher with Blishlok and a silver Bushwhacker with Blishlok.

As much as I dislike this compensation, I understand a lot of players are thrilled with it. I believe the best way to handle this is to give players who own Phoenix a choice. I propose the following options:

  1. The already stated bonuses of obsidian skin plus 2 elite cases.
  2. A full credit refund on Phoenix.
  3. Choice of any gold Phoenix loadout plus a choice of any one bronze loadout.

Without these changes, I’ll have effectively wasted 50k credits to rent Phoenix for all of 2 weeks. Admittedly, it could be worse - I could have spent real money on him.[/quote]
You are displeased because they give something to the community for free? No offense, but people like you deserve publishers like EA et similia that make only p2w games and you have to beg to get some kind of givaways/gifts. Get your elite cases and don’t be displeased, eventually you’ll have every merc and going after higher rarity will be your main focus (apart playing the actual game of course). They didn’t have to give those to us, they did so be grateful even tho they may not be of that much importance for you.

(MarsRover) #76

Wow. This is great news. Thank you :slight_smile:

(blisteringOwlNest) #77

Dear god I hope I have enough time to get the 10,000 credits I need! I won’t be able to play until Monday, so hopefully the update is over the next weekend!

(Lumi) #78

[quote=“tactfulReply;98305”]Ladies and Gentlemen means I have to buy the Phoenix I got the card and case but when it got after the weekend so? because I do not understand

For you and for everyone who didn’t get it. There will be a time when the update comes out. Let’s call it D-day. If you log in during the first week after D-day you’ll get one of two things:
a) if you didn’t own Pheonix before D-day, you’ll get him for free. Nothing else.
b) if you owned phoenix before D-day, you’ll get the represented obsidian loadout card and two elite cases. One A and one B.

It’s as easy as that!

(Bestfinlandball) #79

i have to use real $$$

(HeSheWee) #80

I’m so excited its scary!!!