Looks great guys
Some traffic lights maybe?
Construction Community Map Dev Thread
Tront made some traffic light models and other assorted signs. I made some for Estate using these which we can use.
Great Don! you did it! The pedestrian walks are great too,
Maybe I would put them a little bit more transparent so they are not that bright compared to the rest of the street paint. But I know is far fetched.
About traffic light, it could be, if we can instance, like the street lights
To all
I know our Nexo site is not being used, but as Nexo is shutting down I changed the content to Shutterfly.
Ah so that’s why I was a member of that
I just got a mail from them they were shutting down and I had no idea why I ever registered there in the first place.
Nice Don - the terrain at the fort entrance needs matching up to the road but I guess you are on that already
Thanks Violator.
This is the more complicated part, that i will leave for more late.
I already got feedback for this ramp, and it says this ramp is not good. Good for strogg, very bad to GDF.
What you think about Violator? Can you help me on that?
It could be bad for GDF if its the only way vehicles can get down to the uni and they will be sitting ducks for any strogg camped in the city (in a similar way that the barrier ramp was for GDF coming to defuse before we put the truck / spilt crates / gate barrier in). I’ve always thought that the fort is too far away from the obj as well, Chris suggested a much better place for it (bottom right hand corner).
I agree with Vio that the GDF team shouldn’t be forced to take the ramp, but as we have lots of vehicles in the GDF Fort, I don’t think is too far away, remember you can enter the University using their backdoors.
Don, take out the blocking mid-sized walls near the front door of the fort, so vehicles can go down through the grass.
Then you never played your map on a public server ? Everybody complains about this …
The version we have in the SVN is already far from the version you have played. I will check this with bots, but as you always have vehicles in there I don’t think is the same.
I do prefer to move the fort closer, even modifying the terrain, than moving it to the bottom right corner where the Strog can block the exits and not alowing the GDF to even get out.
No map in the game has a GDF base in the pathway from carry to transmit point.
So now bots are equals to real players when it comes to map testing ? Why bothering with beta then :rolleyes:
I do prefer to move the fort closer, even modifying the terrain, than moving it to the bottom right corner where the Strog can block the exits and not alowing the GDF to even get out.
No map in the game has a GDF base in the pathway from carry to transmit point.[/quote]
We (players playing the map…) are only suggesting to put the fort closer to the battleground. And you don’t always have a vehicles once you reach a certain number of players, number which is lower than the number of players recommended to play this map. (let’s guess it’s around 24).
Also, quarry is a good map example where GDF are spawning really close to the transmit point … and we all know the quality of this map.
“We (players playing the map…)”
AnthonyDa, you is the first to bypass the map on Nirvana events. When we had the last full match on Consite?
Seba, i can move the fort to more near the University if you want. Also i can make this appears like a ambitious project from an genial architect, like a building build in a abyss. The fort can be lowered a bit so we don’t need to increase the ramp angle. Don’t need to answer now, wait something good to happens, so you will have the answer.
Don, you have exceeded yourself, that’s is awsome and feels natural!
I’ts like the fort was a tourism attraction and had an entrance toll booth or something.
Great job openning routes to rush your way to the University giving lots of possibilities fro inprovisation. The fort is no longer a place to lock the GDF in.
The change Seba asked above, and many others, are already at the SVN server.
Seba, how is going the gameplay? You is happy with it? Any change in mind?