
(MrChumble) #1

'grats on going Gold. You’ve kept us waiting a looong time, glad I can finally give it a go :slight_smile:

(amazinglarry) #2

You’ve been a member since 2002 and are just now posting for the first time?! Where were you backing me up with ET and how Rambo medics should not be nerfed etc!?


If SD kept you waiting a looooong time, then you returned the favor eh?

(MrChumble) #3

I never played ET :oops: Just know a few of the SD guys from way back when. 5 years huh…I guess that was a bit lazy of me not even to post once :lol:

(Salteh) #4

Hiya mrC!

I remember your name from Q3F days :slight_smile:
:tapir: :stroggtapir: :tapir: