Concerned about skill in ET:QW..

(Visceral*Scythian) #21

No.I did and I’m annoyed that I did.

Why do people play a FPS to “Fly” poorly rendered and modeled jets?:banghead:

Pick up an aircombat sim if you want to see some skill invovled in flying.

(kamikazee) #22

If there is no skill in flying, some smart kids will still trash most of them.

(Zyklon) #23

Heh, have you played JO? The helos there are extremely easy to fly, as they are always stable when you’re not moving into some direction. You move with your movement keys, and turn left and right with the mouse. It’s very easy. And still people manage to crash them into walls, mountains, hills, houses, and trees.

(kamikazee) #24

Heh, have you played JO? The helos there are extremely easy to fly, as they are always stable when you’re not moving into some direction. You move with your movement keys, and turn left and right with the mouse. It’s very easy. And still people manage to crash them into walls, mountains, hills, houses, and trees.[/quote]What did I say? Thanks for confirming my post.

I think it doesn’t hurt to need some skill to fly air-things.

(zeN) #25

Im in a similar situation as sifnt, went from ET to BF2 and share his view on things.

The first thing I thoud when I saw the E3 demos of ET:QW, was: omg, the infantry movement looks as poor as in BF2… What im saying is, that from those demos it doesn’t look like you can shoot while sprinting, which is similar to BF2. I dont know if you’re heard of the “dolphin diving” issue in BF2, which is a hilarious techniche most players ended up using to dodge bullets. Here’s a vid, where you can see what it looks like:
Anyways, since im an experienced ET player, I didnt really have any problems trackings this wierd kind of movement. But the issue is that the hitboxes in BF2 are so bad (when doing this movement, the hitboxes are sort of twisted), and the weapons are so poor (enormous deviation, and randomness of hitting) that even if you had your crosshair pointed at them, you just didnt get a hit! So since you can’t sprint while shoting, this is how people evade bullets in BF2 (and remember, it doesn’t require skill to do this). There’s either not much movement in duels, it’s about who prones first to make your weapon more accurate. Remember, that im not saying this is how quakewars will look like.

Onto my point, what I like so much about ET is how you’re able to strafe to evade bullets. The more skilled you are, the harder it becomes to track your movement. I remember I used to go to a private server, and create my own “strafing combos”, trying to make them as unpreditable as possible. This is a skill thing, and I hope you will bring this to ET:QW.
Skill is by far not all about aim, but also about how you move. I don’t think the game will have ET’s speed (which many people are hoping it will have) if one’s not able to sprint while shoting!

One last thing. Remember, that there are many gaming communitys that are puting their faith in ET:QW to be a clan friendly game. I can assure you that most of the BF clan community have some enormous expections that your game will be clan friendly! They don’t care about BF2142, they’ve lost their faith in EA that they will make them a clanfriendly game. They have faith in you, that you’re game will be the clan communityes next hit! Don’t fail them, make this game skill, and clanfriendly!!!

(Mordenkainen) #26

Wils stated that if you’re sprinting and you press the fire key you’ll stop sprinting, shoot and then resume sprinting automatically so unless you spray and pray and instead only do short controlled bursts, there should be hardly any difference, especially since there’s no more stamina.

In BF2, not shooting while sprinting is awkward because you have to let go of the run key and then shoot and then repress the run key. In ETQW this will be done automatically so I think many will even forget about the shooting while sprinting “limitation”.

WRT running speed, the E3 videos have shown running is as fast, or faster, as in Wolf: ET.

(Hakuryu) #27

Everyone here knows BF2 sucks, there is no need to elaborate on deviating bullets, non registering hits, or the complete ownage by aircraft.

Just because Quake Wars has vehicles does NOT make it like BF2, and comparing them is starting to get annoying (anyone else?).
Play ET and get a good idea of Quake Wars play, instead of posting your thoughts on how you want it versus your BF2 experience.

(datoo) #28

As mord said above, it’s been mentioned before that when you can fire while sprinting, it just slows you down to normal, then when you stop firing you start sprinting again. This doesn’t restrict movement, in fact I think unlike in W:ET you can sprint as much as you want, which makes sense because of the bigger maps. This is of course all subject to change because they’re still tweaking this stuff.

Anyway I just wanted to add that most of your concerns have been repeatedly addressed by the developers in these forums and in interviews. The company comes from competitive clan roots and are very aware of the issues you’ve brought up. One thing they have specifically said over and over again is that the vehicles won’t overshadow the infantry combat, they are there as extensions of the class roles and will not make players invicible or overpowered.

I recommend this interview to everyone because it covers a lot of issues relevant to competitive players:


uh I dont get it. Sorry. In ET, if I intentionally save my sprint bar, till I come to a close combat, I can move quicker (strafe quicker) while aiming and shooting, than my enemy (unless he saved his sprint bar too). So in ET:QW you cannot do this combat technique? And they changed this because this technique is not fitting in ET:QW? Sounds pretty bad too me. But Im just a noob. I want to sprint even if shoot, just like in ET.

Meh… I should just shut up, and close my eyes to all this development stuff, and see what I like in the gold release of ET:QW.
The “demo” or what you call it, of ET, the first version, with strange Oasis tunnels etc, seems to be alot different from the final ET version.
So I feel like, I should not get upset about this, and see the final version if it is all good or not. Splash Damage are no morons. They are my gamer idols, so I trust them to be smarter than me on this…

Some old not final screens of ET: Look at oasis tunnels. The old city wall would be ignored if that map would be played today. Uhm,… no mg in tank? No small tunnel exit on left? Current fuel dump looks like a total remake from this one…

(datoo) #30

Quake Wars is a different game, you have to keep that in mind. They have to tweak the player speed and sprint because the maps are so much larger and I’d imagine they want people to be effective even if they don’t have a vehicle. All that being said, nothing’s final, so we don’t really know how it will work in the final game. I think I remember one of the devs specifically saying they were still tweaking how sprint would work.

Also, if I’m correct that there’s no charge bar for sprint, then they have to balance it some way, otherwise there’s no point in having a sprint key because people would have it on all the time.

(cmos) #31

I rather have it like Counter Strike then, be able to sprint and shoot but get better aim while standing still.

(datoo) #32

Captain, incoming rape torpedo detected! :eek:

(Schizma) #33

You cant sprint in Counter-strike…