[QUOTE=strychzilla;308539]Discussion Topics
Gibbing should take 2-3 bullets tops. Currently, it takes anywhere from 15-30 bullets (far too many imo) to kill someone and another 10 to gib. You either die trying to gib or have to reload and by then they are being revived while you’re under fire.
The choke points are brutal, getting passed the bridge stage on Resort is almost impossible since it’s out in the open right outside where the defense spawns. Since snipers are almost useless, trying to pick them off on that ledge is quite a task.
3. Gun Balance
Not sure what top teams you’re watching, however, I play with a lot of the old school RtCW players that attended Qcon and played invite etc. We exclusively use CARB-9 and I use the Gerund from time to time depending on range. KOSS may be usable I plan on testing it a bit tonight.
The main problem at the moment isn’t necessarily SMGs but rather every map is 80-90% close corner combat with the most idiotic choke points. It’s like mp_sub on every map. I don’t mean to be disrespectful but how did these maps pass QA without a flag being raised?
So, a mixture of strong SMGs and 80-90% close corner combat makes SMGs shine. Sadly, as always, shotguns are poorly designed and worthless. It takes 3 blasts to kill someone unless stars and moons align and you 1 shot them. By the time your second shot is ready the CARB already killed you.
Head shots mean next to nothing which seems to be a problem as well. AR’s shine when you can 2 shot someone in the head. It takes 3-5 in Brink so again, by the time you land that 4/5th pulse shot the SMG killed you as well. This wouldn’t be as much of a problem if
1.) ARs are more stable/accurate (maybe 5 shot bursts instead of 1-3)
2.) Bonus head shot damage
3.) Maps with more space between players.
Rifles are hopeless, with lag and low FPS issues there is no telling (for me) how to place them. The models/hit boxes seem very difficult to guarantee head shots unless you have an aerial advantage. That mixed with high mobile players and small maps make them extremely inferior.
Pistols, aside from horrible kick back/recoil seem pretty awesome. The knife should be a 1 stab head/neck, 2 stab back, 3 stab front/side.
Machine guns seem to work as intended. Situational same as the venom. Heavy Medic with machine gun is scary.
Edit: On another note, the spread on all auto’s seem to be far to big. Honestly, when it comes to FPSs superior teamplay and skill/aim should win. Currently, it’s spray and pray at the chest and hope for headshots. If you try to burst headshots (since the modifier is so low) you will die first. Something to look into as well.
4. Abilities Restrictions
Right now, there is no way to specifically limit abilities. However, there can be a “Max Rank”. In the standard competition format, I believe Rank 5 abilities are disabled.
I’m sure some abilities will need to be banned. Adrenaline as you discuss in #5 can not be used in league play. It makes objective planting and offense in general simple on certain objectives. Stage 1 Resort.
Silent running - Using sound to your advantage makes it more fun.
Combat intuition (The one that lets you know you’re being targeted)
Flash bang - Needs to be tweaked or removed. This can hit from 30 yards away and blind you for what feels like 8 seconds. Way too powerful.
Speaking of abilities the speed boost should be moved to operative and be a permanent buff for them (self only.)
5. Adrenaline
See #4
6. Team Size
5v5 is fine, I had thought this could be done 4v4.
7. Hacktool vs Engineer
I agree here. I believe Operatives should be able to hack in 40-45 seconds and engineers should not be able to reverse the progress. If anything have Operatives be able to counter hack that way they are used more often (at 1/4th speed.) Right now Engineers are the king class - weapon buff, armor buff, and have an objective on almost every map if not every map.
8. Body Types
I agree I don’t see the need to restrict. In all of our scrims we all go light/medium anyway for superior map control/flanks. Heavy’s are just very vulnerable due to their lack of strafe speed.
Edit: A majority of this stuff could probably be fixed with a pro mod. More crosshairs, and having a crosshair while Iron Sighted would be nice. If you do ui_showgun 0 and iron sight you have nothing which is quite sad coming from SD.[/QUOTE]
Thank god shot guns are useless. 1hit kills is low in skill and tracking and I think that they shouldn’t be regularly used.