Community Question: Weapon of Choice

(tokamak) #61

Yeah the Sten gun from vanilla W:ET deserves some praise as well. Pure awesomeness and really suits the Covert.

If only SMG’s could overheat these days, that would suit Brink.

(Humate) #62

console matchmaking :frowning:

(BioSnark) #63

lacerator as tech btw.

(wolfnemesis75) #64

My favorite guns in Brink is still the Kross SMG and the Ritchie revolver. They may not be the most effective guns in the game, but they are fun for me. Any shotgun in a game is cool in my book especially if it takes skill and has a one or two shot kill feature. :slight_smile:

(Apples) #65

Q3 shotgun i still the best weapon ever created anyway…

(light_sh4v0r) #66

shotgun with quaddamage is insane :slight_smile:

(wolfnemesis75) #67

Yes, shotguns in games kick ass, and are the first thing I often will judge a game by. Compare and contrast, a good FPS has an awesome shotgun somewhere in the mix. A Light Body Type with a Shotgun: GAME OVER! :slight_smile:


Rokstedi AR from Brink. For the most part, because of the appearance, but I also took into account characteristics.

(Magic) #69

W:ET Grenade launcher - had years of fun with that weapon

(iwound) #70


(cdoty15) #71

Any guns modeled after WWII guns would be sweet