I think limiting movement in games is a horrific trend, it takes away so much depth. Games like battlefield where you can almost feel clumsy legs underneath you really annoy me.
The problem is consoles. Consoles cant really strafe shoot. So games are getting dumbed down to what we regularly see today, run forward, see someone, stop, shoot them. Whoever saw the other first wins. Its horrible, strafing is fantastic, or any variation on it, dodging, jumping, flying (been playing tribes, its amazing and adds a new level to the game) as it means that some idiot who has no idea how to play wont just point his huge spread high damage weapon in your general direction and kill you with footshots. It actually encourages and improves aim, which i feel is a large part of fps games (yes yes there are lots of other parts, tactics, coms etc).
The beauty of quake wars unlimited sprint and movement system was that it meant people were not punished for trying to get somewhere, no one wants to push into an objective fast and skillfully only to get shot down by someone who has just been sitting in there keeping their stamina bar full so they can out strafe you. It balanced out the game very well. Every fight was fair, the only way one person would have an advantage in a one on one gun fight, was their choice of weapons, with heavy weapons sacificing speed for power and vice versa.
As someone else pointed out, quakes movement was very smooth, you didnt feel held back, which was why it was such a pleasure to play. Didnt feel like you had someone else controlling your movement, which led to further depth when choosing how to move for what situation, as opposed to recent games with the choice of:sprint forward (not shooting), stop and shoot.
Stamina bars are really just an annoying feature. I mean they dont add much depth, i guess you have to time your movement and conserve energy but really all its doing is slowing down the pace of the game and frustrating people who want to just play without being held back.
Im a big fan of rewarding skill. Quake wars did this. You had normal sprinting, then if players payed attention and used their heads, they noticed running with a knife made them run faster. Then players noticed if you strafe jumped you went even faster, those who practiced a little reaped the benefits.
It meant letting every player have all the tools at their disposal right off the bat, and giving them the choice if they wanted to learn how to use them. As opposed to games these days, where you have 2000 unlocks that do everything for you, but only once youve played 500 hours.