Oh and this by no means slagging off Counterstrike. It clearly has the emphasis on the dexterity of players in favour of tactical awareness. That’s what the game choses to be and it can be enjoyable for that. I’d just hate to see an SD game go that way as the frantic yet absolute nature of these fights leaves very little room for ideas and creativity.
Community Question: Spread vs Recoil
Man, I’m tired of every discussion that happens devolving into the same circular silliness. Can we not just have one thread where we talk to each other instead? Please?
Because you can’t apply ideas and creativity, doesn’t mean it’s not there to be done… that’s the part you’re missing here. Again we’re back to your failings as a gamer.
But yeah toka-hijack over.
Um, I hope your basing your opinions off of actually playing and not just watching videos. Movement is incredibly impacting on the weapons because if you move the spread increases… that’s why you strafe-stop-shoot-strafe-stop-shoot. If you want perfect accuracy, all movement comes before and after you take your shot, not during the process of shooting. If you are moving and shooting, your probably spraying or bursting and hoping that one of your bullets hits- which I don’t consider true aiming. When you are spraying, your usually aiming at the feet and moving your cross hair from side to side to increase your chances of getting hits based on the spread/recoil pattern. One of my favorite moments in CS was when a guy jumped off a wall and single shot a guy in the foot at full spread, which resulted in a headshot. Now you can go play the game and find out for yourself.
An example of what direct aim looks like…
I guess that would be because personal experience is completely subjective and in no way verifiable while there’s no way around that undynamic crosshair in the video. Let’s just stop digging this hole.
I did play it. Granted, 93 minutes was enough to decide that CS is not for me. But that was exactly due to the lack of dynamic spread. I got 87 hours on Steam’s Raven Shield and easily a tenfold of that for the non-steam version simply because my brain actually gets to do something during the game.
Also, you can watch Incorporated 2, some scenes in it show spray aiming and aiming at the feet (or lower) to get headies.
Yes I did. What are you basing it on?
The video quality is terrible here but in this dude’s video the impacts clearly aren’t landing outside his crosshair
Here’s a better video, only this time it’s GO, but from what I heard the weapon behaviour isn’t much different (do correct me if I’m wrong. Unlike Source I actually haven’t played GO yet)
You can also just watch Brink videos for that
Aiming in Brink is far different from CS. Cba to get into a super-massive-50-page-discussion so I’ll just say this. From experience Brink has a small and predictable spread whereas CS can have a massively varied spread and not as predictable.
Out of interest, does anyone find the camera jerking from recoil uncomfortable? I remember avoiding the GPMG often because the combined camera jerk and ironsight jerk would give me a headache.
DoD I found nice in that it was a smooth recoil motion from the camera, but whilst that works for firing recoil I’m not sure about all circumstances. If you were to add a recoil impulse from landing from a height, would it be a sudden camera jerk? Or would you move the weapon and sight/dot so that it stayed true but still required compensation without the jerk from your field of view?
My subjective actual playing experience, I’m wacky and zany that way.
Kinda working that way with yourself and CS. Guess watching a 3min frag vid should teach everyone anything they need to know, screw actual experience!
Yeah I would say screw actual experience, nothing can be verified through that. Videos don’t lie.
At least the GPMG had a predominantly vertical recoil. The Maximus had a recoil in all directions which made it impossible to compensate for.
Your opinion on the crosshair activity is subjective though and no way verifiable
[QUOTE=INF3RN0;404538]An example of what direct aim looks like…
Cheers, but it doesn’t show spread on the move. I used to play the original on LANs during primary school but I remember being way too excited to give anything about about mechanics.
You guys could just look at the bullet impact decals on/around the crosshair as these players fire. It’s clear enough to see on dust.
He added a 2nd video later on that I just noticed. Wasn’t he talking about spread while moving? Links a guy standing still.
[QUOTE=tokamak;404543]Yes I did. What are you basing it on?
Gee idk I played the game with a partial understanding of what was going on around me?? Instead of getting one of my ESEA Invite CS friends to post here and call you names… I’ll just slap you with the ignorance glove instead. You should really realize that by now 99% of the fights you pick make you look really dumb.
Awesome, much better video. Still highly tight weapons and little effect on the spread. Really, try the same thing in ET.
You are full of purposeful, subtle contradictions that you try and hide to favour your argument… it rarely works. Any way you should enjoy Infernos vid, the stop strafing part that explains how to increase accuracy while shooting on the move is very entertaining Videos don’t lie!