Community Question: Favourite QUAKE Wars Class

(badman) #1

QUAKE Wars appreciation week continues with a brand-spanking new Community Question. One of ETQW’s hallmarks aside from humongous outdoor maps, vehicle combat, and general all-around awesomeness were its asymmetric factions - the Earth’s own GDF army and the alien Strogg. Both sides sported five combat roles to choose from, each with its own weapon load-outs, items, deployables, and unique gameplay mechanics. With so many choices and different gameplay styles available in the game, what we’d like to poke your minds with today is the following question:

What’s your favourite combat role from Enemy Territory: QUAKE Wars and what makes it great?

Are you a railgunning Infiltrator? A turret-toting Engineer? A spawn-hosting Technician? Let us know in the poll at the top of this post and don’t forget to share your tales of class awesomeness with us, as well.

(_KaszpiR_) #2

IMO each class was so interesting that it could really help others in the game depending on the moment of the play.

I guess Strogg Technican is quite interesting ebcause of spawn hosts and Strogg Field Ops that can place shields that can really help others in defending.

Engineers are awesome and irritating because of the mines placed on walls and ceilings :wink:

Soldier with rocket launcher killing with spam, same as Strogg soldier mowing with HyperBlaster.

Infiltrator and Covert - well, changing the outfit to the enemy was just so much fun, and backstabbing was sometimes difficult but extremely satisfactory .

(phryzz) #3

Dropping few flyers with rocket/obli gives me warm and fuzzy feeling. Yet best part in qw is that every class gives enough different gameplay, so one surely founds something fun to do.

(Dopefish) #4

Since all I ever did was pilot the Anansi, I primarily played GDF Engineer just for repairs and defensive needs.

(Dthy) #5

Like what’s already been said above, each class has it’s own pro’s and con’s for the situation your in which makes it hard to chose just one favorite class. All depends on what mood your in really.

Tales of class awesomeness? Taking down waves of enemies indoors with the Sniper Rifle or Railgun/Blaster combo. :smiley:

(Dormamu) #6

:oppressor::stroggbanana::oppressor::stroggbanana: :oppressor:

(Smooth) #7

Kill it with fire!

I voted for all classes, don’t make me pick just one :frowning:

(Humate) #8

order of preference:

  1. Tech with Lac - I like the aggressive style it requires, spawnhosts are win and ammo and health in one also win!
  2. Infiltrator with Rail - Teleporter is my fav gadget, which allows for some “creative play”. Flyer Drone is nice for scouting, although most ppl dont use it that way. And Rail - is just a brilliant gun particularly when combined with an icarus cough
  3. Aggressor with Hyper and Obliterator- HE charges placed in hallways and on top of occupied towers is always amusing and fun. For the hyper I would tend to favour using it more at mid to long range than in close. If I was in an oblit mood i would tend to combine the weapon with the icarus, and do some stupid $hit with it.
  4. Oppressor with Acc Lacc - Tac Shields are just sexy and ridiculously useful! Vios when dropped from an icarus = win.
  5. Constructor - Hmm my least favourite class. Repair drone is pretty cool though. The mine mechanics are pretty cool too.

(BioSnark) #9


[li]Technician - Lac: strogg infantry defense.
[/li][li]Aggressor - hyper: strogg infantry offense.
[/li][li]Medic - AR: gdf infantry
[/li][li]Constructor - flyer drone: vehicle combat.

(deems) #10

What you guys did with this game that was so awesome was to have these 10 classes that were different but all good. Asymmetrical objective based team shooter? AWESOME!11!!1Oneone!! This class variety plus the variety of vehicles. What can I say? What a game! Yet to be equalled IMO.

I voted for GDF medic, although I equally enjoyed Strogg technician. I never got used to the lacerator as much as the GDF’s assault rifle…so GDF medic. I also enjoyed being an Engineer a great deal. These classes felt like they were supporting the team the most to me.

I hope you guys implement QW2* before I’m too old to enjoy it!

Thanks again for a great game.

OCB Deems

p/s: If the bastards at Virgin Media fix my damn ubernet maybe I’ll see you on OCB server this weekend!

  • In spirit if not in licensing Intellectual Property limited ways.

(tokamak) #11

The Oppressor has the most potential for mayhem and area control. Those shields work great to dive deep into the enemy ranks, call down a violator and survive it. The shields allow you to hold, to buy valuable time to lock artillery, and to protect people working on the objective and just be generally annoying.

So yeah, Oppressor is my class as it really allows for creative play.

(Raga) #12

GDF Engineer for vehicle combat

Technician for infantry combact

(DarkangelUK) #13

I meant to hit medic and cov ops but got distracted, came back and hit submit with just medic selected.

There’s nothing I liked more than being cov ops on sewer, grabbing a strogg disguise and climbing up the side wall ladder just across from the strogg spawn, making my way along the upper area then using the high walkway to get in behind the sewer grate. The amount of times you could walk that way undisturbed was amazing.

(Jimmy James) #14

I prefer the Strogg Oppressor only slightly better than I like the GDF Field Ops because I like the feel of the Accurized Lacerator over the Scoped Assault Rifle.



You can only choose one. I tried to select both Oppressor and Field Ops originally.

(DarkangelUK) #15

[QUOTE=Jimmy James;380862]
You can only choose one. I tried to select both Oppressor and Field Ops originally.[/QUOTE]

Ah cool, still wish I’d selected cov ops 1st.

He’s the coolest looking of them all!

(.Chris.) #16

GDF Soldier, Rocket Launcher is great fun.

Planting HE charges on vehicles and suicide bombing a forward spawn or so is awesome, run around a bit to make sure they try and shoot you and lose their spawn shield, profit! Guess this is glitching or some crap and should be banned though.

(BioSnark) #17

I doubt being able to blow up vehicles with sticky charges, mines and 3rd eyes is unintended.

(INF3RN0) #18

Every class has its perks, but nothing beats the relaxation of the Strogg Mortar Man reigning fire from the hillside. I’ve topped 60 kills in games where I do nothing but lounge up in the mountains and drop orange bombs on peoples heads haha.

(Seanza) #19

Tough one between Technician and Oppressor, I went for the latter! Medic was good fun, too!

(GoldenApe) #20

GDF Soldier, because I love blowing **** up.
In all honesty though, I probably liked Soldier best because with explosives, rocket launchers and machine guns/pistols, I could mask the fact that my normal aim really sucked :smiley: