Escort is by far the best, the slow procession of the objective through the map constantly keeps changing the meaning of the map geometry.
I love the delivery objectives, but they also tend to be hit and miss. Sometimes they make for really tense moments but often both teams lose the narrative of the match and the whole thing gets decided by a few players.
Construction and hacking objectives need to change. They’re absolutely boring. They need moving objects tied to them.
And I agree with Chris, all secondary objectives need to be reversible. All of them. That way there’s no real advantage in doing them before the primary objectives. Unreversible secondary objectives are a chore.
Constructing or hacking bridge controls should mean they slowly start to open/close and will slowly reverse when the objective is destroyed or when the hack is being undone again. This means that lemming rushing these objectives is no longer effective any more you need to hold your surroundings WHILE these surroundings move/rotate/open/close whatever around the place until they lock into place.
The best example are the tunnel drains in Siwa Oasis. Much, more and much more meaningful objectives like that please. Geometrically dynamic objectives are the next step in objective-based shooters.
It’d be cool to have duel objectives by both attacking and defending teams to swing the favor or advantage one way or the other.
It would definitely not be cool to have teams dispersed over different primary points in the map. I know the simpleton goes ‘hur dur, what would be better than one objective, derp, let me think hur, wait derpederp, I know! TWO OBJECTIVES! HUR!!’ just try to restrain such mindfarts in the future.