Community Question: Create a Class

(YouAreGood) #221

[QUOTE=Barki;409732]Hi there, my two Eurocents: I suggest the Barricade Man!
This class could create, well barricades of differents kinds:
1- to slow enemies in corridors,
2- complex ones to protect props like radars. T(could also be some camouflage fishnet),
3- deploy a prop to dig holes and create an infantery-safe in open field.
This class could also deploy proximity detectors, and use shotgun for defense.

Barricades slowing down enemies in a corridor… like mini-maze… Sorry.

Shotgun? Why not a flame thrower?

Overall - I’m not for anyway, I would let Engineer being finally able to construct something creative, while flamethrower I see in hands of soldiers.

(Xyphen) #222

Why do we have to unlock anything ffs , games were much more fun when there was no preasure to grind something out . You played with one goal in mind and that was to be better in killing people and doing objectives not having a shiny item or ability . Simply put slot system with all items available . You fill your slots the way you want and create truly unique class .

(BR1GAND) #223

Hey we’re talking SD games here, unlocks are a great part of their games (dual akimbos anyone?). There is no “grind”, we’re not talk about persistent unlocks like COD, just unlocks in the context of a campaign. As the campaign progresses gameplay evolves a bit (or devolves if you don’t like unlocks). Having everything available at the start of a campaign takes that away. Definitely a move away from what makes SD games unique and fun imo.

(warbie) #224

I don’t think there is room for anything else. Infact, I’d like to get rid of the covert class if anything. Less is more :slight_smile:

(ASD) #225

How about a driver/pilot class…
I don’t want only this class can use vehicles but it can use them full.

example for a tank:

[li]drive slowly
[/li][li]need to drive a big bow to turn around
[/li][li]use MG (but not while driving)
[/li][li]use the canon but only one shot per min

[li]drive faster (use the turbo)
[/li][li]can turn on one point
[/li][li]shot while driving
[/li][li]use the canon with higher frequenzy
[/li][li]fire decoys
generaly I think the cars need to be a little bit modified… the never ending ammo need to be removed… I think there should be a limit of ammo in a tank so you need at some point of time drive back to your base and refill your ammo

and some hints for a new game … or what I don’t like in ETQW

[li]do not add a godmod for the players who are inside the MCP!!! this is sucking!
[/li][li]make bots stop throwing nades/airstrikes if there are 10 teammates and on enemy at one point!
[/li][li]fix the server crash related to flyerdone kills
[/li][li]more stuff for serveradmins to customize the server

(souldriver) #226

Bo back to the original 4 medic, soldier, LT, engi. screw the spy/operative class. though it was used a little with strogg in etqw due to that drone, it really was played by someone that never contributed anyway. never in the battle, always creeping somewhere.

(tokamak) #227

I liked that ETQW had a separate vehicle specialisation. In that vein Battlesense /Light weapons/ vehicles could be a three-way talent tree next to a three-way talent tree for the class. What then happens is that you can still be all classes but if you have a pilot specialisation it would mean you would automatically be a weaker infantry unit which is very characterful for a game on an ETQW scale.

(jjpron) #228

Two words ladies:

Volumetric Flamethrower.

Look within your heart. You know this to be true.

(tokamak) #229

I have yet to see a game improve on W:ET’s flamethrower.

(Boktor) #230

I’ve been playing Tribes Ascend on and off since beta. Not to brag, but I’m pretty good with most explosive weapons. Sometimes the opportunity comes to single-handedly dominate a server, but I’d rather not deny players - especially new ones - from enjoying a game. I say that because some people do. Instead I sometimes play with “bad” load-outs. Basically it functions as a handicap. I still do reasonably well and it’s more fun for everyone.

Anyway, what I’m getting to is that maybe it would be cool if there were some “joke” classes. For example, a class with close-range single-fire taser, a pistol, and stun-knuckles in place of a knife. A limited class that would be very difficult to use (or abuse), but still capable in the right hands.

(Crozzton) #231

Banner bearers. Different support abilities enhancing the rest

(tokamak) #232

Yes. Shooters should take more cues from RTS and RPG games. Stuff like auras, active buffs, passive buffs and area of effect abilities offer a wealth of opportunities to the genre.

(INF3RN0) #233

Would be fine as a sub-genre, but doesn’t need to overtake the whole scene. NS2 looks great, but I don’t want any RTS in my arcade shooter.

(Senethro) #234

Actually you should give NS2 a try. The standard Marine weapon is a hitscan tracking aim assault rifle with near zero spread, no spread increase, no iron sights, and no accuracy penalties in any situation.

(tokamak) #235

RTS abilities for a unit. I’m not talking about commander roles and the like.

(Boktor) #236

Add the complexities of getting a shooter balanced right with the complexities of getting RTS-style buffs and whatnot right. Sounds like a game that is hard to get perfect. I think Savage went in that direction though, but it really wasn’t centered on an FPS design.

Anyway I think I’m with Inferno. I prefer a clean shooter without invisible factors weighing in.

(tokamak) #237

The effects ought to be really straight forward and clear of course. You don’t want the intricacies of WoW where you got a list of 23 active buffs on you and 17 active debuffs going on at the same time.

And perhaps a modern military setting is the wrong context as well. You’d need the scale of ETQW or bigger before you can get to the really interesting stuff in game mechanics.

And it would also help if one team didn’t have to be human. I was daydreaming about having one team be consistent (humans) and one team starting out (much) weaker and growing in strength with each kill (or other resources) turning into large and dangerous monsters throughout their life (until death). The overall strength of these creatures would determine the respawn rate. So the stronger they get the longer it takes for their team to respawn.

(Kl3ppy) #238

Make every class unique. Take the class system from ETQW.
1 Class for expolisves/charges/heavy weapon
1 Class for healing/reviving/crate drops
1 Class for construction/disarm/repair
1 Class for Sniper Support/hacking objectives/turrets
1 Class for Calling Airstrikes

I hate it when a game has different classes but every class can finish every objective.

You guys shouldnt invent something that worked pretty well in your other games.

(Patriotqube) #239

WET Classes > ETQW Classes imo

No offence intended, but thats how i feel

(tokamak) #240

You mean you want the classes less distinctive?