Community Discussion: Web Content Wishlist

(badman) #1

Community! With the new Splash Damage/WarChest websites now out and about, we’re interested in hearing your thoughts about what kind of content you’d like to see on there. This can either be game-specific stuff or content related to either company and the people working there.

Bear in mind that we’ve got limited bandwidth to do this stuff, so please limit it to one or two things rather than hurling a “More of Everything” our way. :slight_smile:

A few random ideas to get you started: Developer interviews, audio podcasts, a regular (written) studio update, game guides & strategies, video dev blogs, more eSports coverage, things related to maps and mods…


(.Chris.) #2

The “Snap to Grid” features were nice, be good to see them make a return if the next title features modding. Be pointless for ET and ET:QW now though, one is saturated with annoying custom content released on a daily basis whilst the other has releases once a blue moon now.

The development blogs were always interesting also.

(UJERebel) #3

Development blogs would surely be liked :smiley: Frequent dev updates/tutorials/hints/interviews. Also guides and wiki’s would be nice!

(Pytox) #4

+1 for Snap to Grid & maybe a sort of steam workshop thing with available maps / mods?

(Humate) #5

Game related, but a lot of what would be requested, would be dependant on actual information about the game hint hint
If its a competitive high skilled shooter with lots of depth, then everything from tutorials or guides, to esports news, to youtube vid of the week, to links of player streams would be pretty cool.

If its a daddy game or a social based game, I wouldnt bother with any of the above.

(juv3nile) #6

I’d like things like frag of the week and some esports coverage along with developer interviews and patch reviews. Some community and developer discussions of certain topics would also be nice to see.

(badman) #7

Let’s split it up, then, to keep it simple:

  1. Content you’d like to see before the game’s announced (i.e. SD/WarChest-related stuff)
  2. Game-related content you’d like to see after the announcement

Thanks for the input so far!

(BioSnark) #8
  1. idc.
  2. The community discussion forums, tech support, and structured custom content discussion boards or databases are the only reasons I visit developer sites.

Other things that could be interesting would be contests on custom content, videos or screenshots.

(Dormamu) #9
  1. More Rahdo tour of the SD Towers movies :smiley:
  2. A mini-series interview with the people of SD.
    1/2) Some interactive web story, with nothing specific but related to the upcoming game. Some fk hard puzzle with hints about the game/story/etc.
    EX: if the game was Brink you could tell the story of the first wave of refugees as they sail to the promise land (Ark). How the Otapan tanker become part of the Ark, the last voyage of the medical ship, etc. Every piece of the Ark had a story, yet there was no one to tell it. Let’s fix that for your next game.
  3. Free weekends bug hunting party’s :D, small client, 1 map (with very low textures, as in you can see sht about the final product, no info specified about obj, time,etc), 1-2 guns (specified or random generated, Ex: you can have the luck to play the hole map only with the knife, or only with 5 grenades, or 1 clip, no ammo, etc.<= this part you should really make it a mod, for the love of God not a zombie mod), 1-3 server, 1-2 matches, then automatic 1-4h ban (to make room for the others) who is finding more bugs is invited to play next weekend with SD bug hunting team :D.
  4. More Rahdo movies, this guy can sell ice to Eskimos :smiley:

(Humate) #10

[QUOTE=badman;399968]Let’s split it up, then, to keep it simple:

  1. Content you’d like to see before the game’s announced (i.e. SD/WarChest-related stuff)
  2. Game-related content you’d like to see after the announcement

Thanks for the input so far![/QUOTE]

  1. have no idea - maybe a nick name generator for future SD employees cough
  2. have no idea, we dont know what the actual game is.

(Boktor) #11

I would love to hear about the mapping you guys do. Studio updates are also nice.

(tangoliber) #12

[QUOTE=Dormamu;399978]1) More Rahdo tour of the SD Towers movies :smiley:

  1. A mini-series interview with the people of SD.
    1/2) Some interactive web story, with nothing specific but related to the upcoming game. Some fk hard puzzle with hints about the game/story/etc.
    EX: if the game was Brink you could tell the story of the first wave of refugees as they sail to the promise land (Ark). How the Otapan tanker become part of the Ark, the last voyage of the medical ship, etc. Every piece of the Ark had a story, yet there was no one to tell it. Let’s fix that for your next game.
  2. Free weekends bug hunting party’s :D, small client, 1 map (with very low textures, as in you can see sht about the final product, no info specified about obj, time,etc), 1-2 guns (specified or random generated, Ex: you can have the luck to play the hole map only with the knife, or only with 5 grenades, or 1 clip, no ammo, etc.<= this part you should really make it a mod, for the love of God not a zombie mod), 1-3 server, 1-2 matches, then automatic 1-4h ban (to make room for the others) who is finding more bugs is invited to play next weekend with SD bug hunting team :D.
  3. More Rahdo movies, this guy can sell ice to Eskimos :D[/QUOTE]

I don’t think Rahdo works at SD anymore. :frowning:
Correct me if I’m wrong.

(Apples) #13

1.1) A more detailled “ambiance” of the game with novels, artwork and such (see warhammer novels or stuffs they do at games workshop, I know you arent making table games but still, in this kind of rich universe you surely have plenty of stuff to write about).
1.2) A special Q&A section about the game in development, with real interaction, beta testing in the final stages of production and such -> Brink was a succes money wise I guess, but gameplay wise it missed many things that were discussed in these forums for two years already, you need more interaction with your core fanbase, without being ok with everything they say, listening a bit more to them would have helped a bit I guess.

  1. Well developped competition section -> Podcast streamed from here (I can dream :smiley: ) / Special tournament or ladder from this site too / Team or players interviews, etc etc. Its been a while that many gamers say that it’s the competition that keep a core of player to any game and makes it lives longer, I think its been proven with game like Q3 / QL / Wolf, and yet almost all the dev are allways putting competition aside lately, listen to your public…

Peace out

(badman) #14

That’s right - Rich Ham retired and is now living the good life ;D

(tokamak) #15

Developer commentary is what I value the most. Blizzard is doing it really well

Commentary on different aspects, this one is from the production director but there’s also articles from the balance designer. I also really like the ‘Strolling soldier’ article on the ETQW side, back then I hoped that would’ve become a series.

(light_sh4v0r) #16

E-sports coverage or hosted vods would be great, if the game is suitable.
Snap to Grid was always nice, but also depends on if the game is suitable (it better be!)

No really good ideas what you could do without having a game to talk about.

(SockDog) #17

[li]Things you’re afraid to ask
[/li][li]What you’ve been playing
[/li][li]Team side projects
[/li][li]Meet the Dev community game nights/days (any platform, game so everyone has a chance to join in)

[li]Website exclusive content. I know you need to give out exclusives to the media but the occasional scoop for people who reside here would be neat.
[/li][li]I thoroughly support a means to interact and help Mod/Map makers in a more official capacity. Live chats. Q&A sessions. Forums etc not just tutorials and not just when someone gets a chance.
[/li][li]BETA! :stuck_out_tongue:

(.Chris.) #18


[li]I thoroughly support a means to interact and help Mod/Map makers in a more official capacity. Live chats. Q&A sessions. Forums etc not just tutorials and not just when someone gets a chance.[/li][/ul][/QUOTE]

To be fair they did reply to quite a lot of ET:QW and ET mapping/modding threads back in the day and you still sometimes see them offering advice on the ET modding section. Also you can sometimes get instant help on IRC, I remember getting some various help from the likes of Jrad and Mop and probably some of the others when started out editing for ET:QW.

Was real shame Brink’s tools weren’t released would have been good to see that sort of thing happening again. Hopefully it can happen with next title.

(DarkangelUK) #19

[li]I’d be happy with a “play with the team” evening every so often with what ever games floating the internets boat at the time.[/li][li]Get more of the team posting on here and chatting in IRC, doesn’t have to be game related, just some presence would be nice. It’s always the same old faces we see (Pytox, you’re not allowed to PM them asking for t-shirts ¬_¬)[/li][li]Some exposure to the teams personal works and projects would be cool, was nice seeing what new master piece Tully came up with in the past[/li][/ul]

[li]A weekly dev diary on said unannounced game once announced would be awesome, even if its the wire frame of a gun model and “this is a wire frame of our gun model!” couple lines on the subject.[/li][li]A bit more openess and less silence on the new game, but I guess the reason that happened last time prolly won’y be an issue this time.[/li][li]Giefbeta![/li][/ul]

(SockDog) #20

Not by any means knocking what they’ve done in the past. I’m more shooting for it being an official SD policy so that it can be scheduled as part of the working week. That would allow some organisation on the customer facing side and also perhaps allocate some resources to aid modders/mappers in regards to tools or documentation etc. It’s a big ask to have SD officially payroll something like that but then in the long run it benefits them in shifting games.