
(SCi-Fi) #1

I love for there to be a voice communication like tribes had, as that was cool!!

(kamikazee) #2

I believe we had threads on stuff like this - be it not really Tribes oriented. :expressionless:

(SCi-Fi) #3

oh sorry here is me trying to give some feed on
how this game could be made better…

The voice commands on Tribes was very good better by far than most
multiplayers even todays games. This game allowed ppl to communicate
with team members without ts or any speaking tools and it had actions
too abt every concept of the game ie…attacking, defending, incoming
enemy, what ppl were doin, objectives that was fulfilled and so on, so
dont come me with this aint tribes thing.

Im opening a door to an idea that i feel is very useful but maybe too
advanced for this game as it might require ppl to learn and press a few
more buttons!!

(SKaREO) #4

I haven’t used the communication system for Tribes or Quake Wars so I’m at a loss here. Can you describe the system in a bit more detail and maybe list a few pros and cons?

(haktrix) #5

Maybe its like BF2 comms?

(M8DNanite) #6

Looking at the public gameplay vids, it seems to be like commorose bf2 style but with keyboard shortcuts, as every command seems to have (letter) like “Attack (A)”. So hopefully also can be binded. In bf2 you can only bind Yes and No.

(haktrix) #7

oh we talking about vsay’s? thought u was talking about actual voice comms like vent/teamspeak built in?

(Diecast5) #8

Here this might help you on what we talked about awhile back.

(SCi-Fi) #9

Here is a more in depth meaning to what i meant…

you would select “v” to start Then you would get the following Rootmenu
with letters corresponding to what you wanted to say to your team.

	V Offense 
	T Target
	D Defense 
	F Flag (as its a ctf game)
	R Need
	E Team
	G Global
	Z Command Response 

Then every letter would open up into different objectives or warnings and
so on, with corresponding sounds, if cease fire you would hear cease fire
and so on… You had a sound pack file with them the wav files in as other
tribes made their own up. My tribe had a Monty Python theme with it,
with all sounds from all the films and tv series, but you needed the pack
to hear the sounds…
With all the keys being so close together a simple vva would tell your
team to Attack! and they would hear a voice saying that, better than
words on screen!!

	 [u][b]V = Offense [/b][/u]
	  wWait for signal, "Wait for my signal to attack."
	  cCease fire, "Cease fire!"
	  mMove out, "Move out."
	  rRetreat, "Retreat! , retreat);
	  hHit deck, "Hit the deck!"
	  eRegroup, "Regroup." 
	  vCover me, "Cover me!"
	  gGoing offense, "Going offense."
	  zAPC ready, "APC ready to go... waiting for passengers."

	 [u][b]T = Target[/b][/u] 
	  aTarget acquired, "Target Acquired"
	  fFire on my target, "Fire on my target"
	  nTarget needed, "I need a target."
	  oTarget out of range, "Target out of range."
	  dDestroy Enemy Generator, "Destroy the enemy genarator."
	  eEnemy Generator Destroyed, "Enemy generator destroyed."
	  tDestroy Enemy Turret, "Destroy enemy turret."
	  sEnemy Turret Destroyed, "Enemy turret destroyed."

	 [u][b]D = Defense[/b][/u] 
	  iIncoming Enemies, "Incoming enemies 
	  aAttacked, "We are being attacked. 
	  eEnemy is attacking base, "The enemy is attacking our base."­);
	  nNeed more defense, "We need more defense. 
	  bDefend our base, "Defend our base. 
	  dDefending base, "Defending our base. 
	  tBase Taken, "Base is taken. 
	  cBase Clear, "Base is secured. 
	  qIs Base Clear?, "Is our base clear? 

	 [u][b]F = Flag[/b][/u] 
	  gFlag gone, "Our flag is not in the base! 
	  eEnemy has flag, "The enemy has our flag! 
	  hHave enemy flag, "I have the enemy flag. 
	  sFlag secure, "Our flag is secure. 
	  rReturn our flag, "Return our flag to base. 
	  fGet enemy flag, "Get the enemy flag. 
	  mFlag mined, "Our flag is mined. 
	  cClear mines, "Clear the mines from our flag. 
	  dMines cleared, "Mines have been cleared. 

	 [u][b]R = Need[/b][/u] 
	  rNeed Repairs, "Need repairs. 
	  aNeed APC Pickup, "I need an APC pickup. 
	  eNeed Escort, "I need an escort back to base. 
	  tNeed Ammo, "Can anyone bring me some ammo? 

	 [u][b]E = Team[/b][/u]
	  wWatch Shooting, "Watch where your shooting!" 
	  dDont know, "I don't know." 
	  nNo, "No." 
	  yYes, "Yes." 
	  tThanks, "Thanks." 
	  aNo Problem, "No Problem." 
	  sSorry, "Sorry." 

	 [u][b]G = Global[/b][/u] 
	  zDoh, "Doh!" 
	  oOops, "Oops!" 
	  sShazbot, "Shazbot!" 
	  qDamnit, "Damnit!" 
	  cCrap, "Ah Crap!" 
	  eDuh, "Duh."
	  xYou Idiot, "You Idiot!" 

	 [u][b]Z = Command Response [/b][/u]
	  aAcknowledged, "Command acknowledged 
	  zCompleted, "Objective complete 
	  uUnable to complete, "Unable to complete objective

(kamikazee) #10

Sounds just like the W:ET menu. Tried it? If not, do so and tell us what must be changed. Otherwise you are just clueless if you aren’t asking for something that’s in already.

(SCi-Fi) #11

well i havent got wolfenstien(i do but cant find the bloody disk),
but i thought that i would have my say and try than say nothing and
regret it.

Cant flame me for trying!

(Sauron|EFG) #12

W:ET is still a free download. :wink:

(BondyBoy007) #13

W:ET is still a free download. ;)[/quote]

don’t know how many times this has been suggested to him over the last few weeks :banghead:

(Sauron|EFG) #14

Other options include buying my license or downloading a W:ET key generator for Windows. :wink:

(g-ram) #15

OH MY GODNESS! this key generator is like 275 MB!!! (lol)

(SKaREO) #16

W:ET is still a free download. ;)[/quote]
Haven’t played for a while, I just downloaded, installed and connected to a server, all in less than 10 minutes. Sweet! :slight_smile: