Bunny Hopping: Your thoughts?

(igl) #21


(sarro) #22

laf @ the people looking for “realism”

thats how Call of Duty multiplayer got nerfed into a slow and much less fun game

(General.Jung) #23

Hello Forum,

bunny hopping is only for “fun ego shooters” like unreal tournament, quake 3, etc.
Bunny hopping in tactical strategical or team shooters are not desired.
So please prevent !

(Ifurita) #24

If you’re looking for realism (remember, you’re fighting against cybernetic Strogg who drop stuff from space), why don’t you just stick to American’s Army or some of the Tom Clancy titles. I don’t mean this in a mean-spirited way, but there are other titles who have focused on the realism aspect and probably do it much better.

(space) #25

Yeah this is not a tactical-strategic-simulation team based game… it is a tactical-strategic-ET-[b]ET-quake[/b] team based game.

I actually think that it will add a great element that does not exist in any (except W:ET) other team based strategic shooter. You could have groups of infantry move quickly over large areas of terrain… it just adds another skill based element non-existent in current titles.

You should read my post above if you happen to be a BF player and think the ‘bunnyhopping’ is used as a defensive measure, then read the quote wils posted which should help explain how bunny hopping/strafe jumping is used in ways other then as a defensive measure when in a firefight.

Either that or grab q3 for like 10$ and give 'er a run for yourself (also… W:ET is [b]free[/b] and available on this site).

(moonShield) #26

Will we have rocket jumps in etqw?^^
I think etqw’s maps arent made for aircontrol and rocketjumps - like Fortress. Imagine what you could do on fueldump or radar^^… Poeple could reach obj in something-like-10s. Also, we have vehicles already (even if they are slow). But they should (hopefully will) keep et’s hill (strafe) jumping. Some day we will have a fortress/tribes style mod with double/ramp-jumps, aircontrol, plasmaclimbs, rocketjumps AND skiing^^.

(SCDS_reyalP) #27

You should try some of the fortress games (ETF for example) or Tribes. Lots of crazy “unrealistic” physics and great teamplay.

(Wils) #28

Yea that’s the bunny hopping we’re talking about here. Strafe jumping, hook jumping, or circle jumping are just other names for it, but they all mean basically the same thing.[/quote]

Strafejumping isn’t the same as (Quakeworld-style) Bunnyhopping. They are similar, but Quake players generally make a distinction to allow for discussion of different movement and physics in the various games/mods. It seems that players from later games like CS and BF have appropriated the term to mean something else, but I can’t help that :slight_smile:

(SKaREO) #29

I agree with you Wils. Strafe jumping just once is not bunny hopping, rather bunny hopping is strafe jumping in a rhythm to increase speed and appear as though you could be cheating, when really you are just exploiting a “physics bug.” Half-Life was made from a heavily modified quake engine as well, so CS basically shares the same functions of strafe jumping and bunny hopping as Quake.

(igl) #30

Both require rhythm, so I’m not sure if you rly got it.
Sooooo i’ll recycle the wiki article! yey!

Strafe Jumping:

  1. The player presses the forward key, preparing to make the first jump.
  2. Still keeping the forward key pressed, the player jumps, adding either the strafe left or the strafe right key (which actually cause sidestepping, not strafing).
  3. To gain maximum speed, the player must now move the mouse smoothly (i.e., turn) in the direction of the strafe, while still holding down the two aforementioned keys. This part is called airstrafing, which is responsible for increase in speed during the jump.
  4. For successive strafejumps, the player immediately jumps again on landing, swapping the direction of strafe as well as mouse motion.

You won’t be able to take any sharp corner. Actually the faster you are, the easier you bump into the next wall and loose all your speed.

Bunny Hopping:

  1. The player presses the forward key, preparing to make the first jump.
  2. The player jumps, Then not keeping the forward key pressed, adding either the strafe left or the strafe right key.
  3. Continue Jumping. ~

Now you can take all kinds of sharp corners and just continue to fly around the level like a rocket.

Keep in mind:
“The execution, effectiveness, and limits of bunny hopping varies across different game engines and mods.”

Alot of people that i knew from Quake 3, think of the Bunny Hopping that OSP brought with it, as a “noobified” version of strafe jumping, since it isn’t hard at all to go noticeable faster with it, and the cornering is kinda extreme.
Also it isn’t a “physics bug” anymore. It was born as one, but the devs knew about it in games later than Q1.

I miss the option for strafe-jumping in the poll because it doesn’t affect the gameplay that much (in the bad ways), as alot of people think here.
IMO strafe jumping is the reason why baseq3 is damn fun, even after 7 years. :slight_smile:

Oh yea, and i also don’t understand the battlefield reference, because that game is just bad, slippery-physics, inaccuracy and basicly full of bad decisions when it comes to weapons. Not even sure if realism was their goal at any time.

edit: Typos :oops: Found more? Keep em.

(SKaREO) #31

For the purpose of this poll, bunny hopping and strafe jumping are the same thing. More attention to the details would be an argument over semantics, although I can see the distinctions between them. I’m sure if you liked strafe jumping in Quake-style games, you would say “I like bunny hopping!” here.

Hopefully we can all agree that strafe jumping and bunny hopping are similar exploits of the game’s physics.

(Senethro) #32

No, they’re different. Strafe jumping is for traveling, bunnyhopping is an evasive manoevure

(Wils) #33

I think you’d need to have played Quakeworld, or a game that modelled it’s air control on it to understand what I meant. QW Bunnyhopping isn’t just repeated strafe jumps; the best way I can describe it is that you gain speed by making minute mouse adjustments to ‘curl’ through the air between hops. You do this to a certain extent in regular strafe jumping, but there you slide through the air rather than carving, for want of better terms.

Not that any of this matters, of course - I agree that for the purpose of this poll you might as well regard them as one technique, as opposed to, well, just running along on the ground. It is interesting to read what terms people ascribe to which techniques though.

(jalisko) #34

strafe jumping = you execute jump pressing forward and a strafe key to reach a too far spot for a normal jump.
strafe running = by chaining strafe jumps you move at faster speed than at normal running.
bunny hopping = once in motion you gain speed by rejumping while pressing only a strafe button and turning your mouse to the strafing side*.

*turning your mouse also improves strafe jumping.

And while I can perfectly excute any of them, I hope none is present at ET:QW. I very much prefer a solid “classic” movement with less stamine restrictions than ET.

(darki) #35

god damn you bf players ffs

comin over here and want to make this game their new bf… i promise you wont have that fun in the beginning of ur etqw career with your bf expirience and gamestyle. im lookin forward your further whine threads :roll:

(murka) #36

bf players just want to ruin the game.
realism kills the game!

(BondyBoy007) #37

if I were the sort to make sweeping generalisations then yes, I would agree

(Hakuryu) #38

Too many people using Battlefield as a example for bunny hopping. Sure it was messed up in that game, but the reason was the horrible bullet spread on the weapons. It was hard to hit someone bunnyhopping in BF because your bullets would be flying sideways (exaggerated, but not far off).

In ET is bunnyhopping a problem? Is it even mentioned? No.

Now, will Quake Wars keep the basic formula of jumping as it’s predecessor, or will they try for a BF style jumping and add crappy bullet spread? If you really have to think about that, then you are confused.

Bunny hopping will not be an issue with Quake Wars.

(ir) #39

Sigh! :expressionless: Looks like I’ll have to explain this to some of you…

In Quakeworld, bunny hopping was the method of speeding up whilst running, and strafe jumping was simply tapping strafe and jump, hence the name.

I remember learning to bunny hop in 1999 in qwtf, but it was nerfed heavily in q3f so you couldn’t gain so much speed. This limitation made it match strafe jumping more, but not exactly as you could still accelerate a little (although you had a maximum velocity from this technique). So bunnyhopping then changed meaning slightly to describe any motion of a player going faster (intentionally) by exploiting the game physics/map structure. This meant that no-one talked about strafe jumping, as bunny hopping was really now a combination of old style bunny hop+strafe jumping.

Now there were specific ways you could accelerate and using old bunny hop technique you could increase your speed whilst strafe jumping to some limited degree. Anyway, everyone stopped using the term strafe jumping as everyone did bunny hopping (and then continued their speed with strafe jumping), and getting that little bit of extra acceleration was just a technique that advanced bunny hoppers would use (such as me).

Dunno what other games used, but in general strafe jumping is an old term that isn’t really used as you can do some bunny hopping in qw, q3, etf, cs, cs:s, etc.

Now I hope that’s cleared everything up!

(jalisko) #40

Actually, this is wrong. Strafe jumping is introduced in Q2, and is kept as movement system for Q3 and Q4 (and ET too, but stamina-limited). Q3 does not have bunnyhopping excepting at those mods which added it to resemble Q1 movement (cpma, etc).