Brink PC is Free to Play Until Sunday Evening

(Humate) #41

Me too. I never got to play RTCW :slight_smile:

(rookie1) #42

Had made a Brink server again for this week end Free play
so far so good… server still online …and full on hack mode since yesterday morning

(trigg3r) #43

Just played a couple of games in a full server, it was fun.
i dont wanna get my hopes up though… i know it will be back to empty servers on monday :frowning:

(MaxiM) #44

So far I see no servers whatsoever. What gives?

(DarkangelUK) #45

Did you set your source to Internet first?

(aviynw) #46

[QUOTE=DrpPlates;387158]if history repeats itself, as shown in url below, not many…

(you can wrap a turd in a box with a pretty bow, but once you open the box, its still a turd) :slight_smile:[/QUOTE]

Well last time the game+all the dlc didn’t cost $6.25. Plus the last update balanced/improved things a little more. I’m actually predicting the numbers stay a little higher this time.

(INF3RN0) #47

Everyone in the servers I was in were complaining… I believe the most common line in chat was “back to BF3” lol.

(MaxiM) #48

Come on man, I wrote a damn guide about this game. Something wrong, so that’s why I’m asking, since maybe someone else had this issue.

(DarkangelUK) #49

**** sorry, my “know everything and anything about someone” option was unselected on the forum, my bad. Does your damn guide not cover this?

(MaxiM) #50

OK, OK, we’re off to a bad start, mainly because I’m a bit irritated by the game. Now it doesn’t even let me enter main menu, since it’s crashing to desktop/stops responding at the character selection screen. Can’t blame a dude for being pissed off.

(matsy) #51

I do enjoy the game but there are a too many things that do annoy me!

(Patriotqube) #52

if it is frozen on the charracter select screen and you cant use mouse

try and press enter if that works then find the options in menu and ask it to change res, when it asks for confirm then just say no.

i do that when mine are frozen happens alot, but after doing that i can move mouse again and start gaming

(tangoliber) #53

Free weekend is over right? I still see a page of full servers, so I’m guessing that lots of people actually bought the game. I’m sure it will die down a lot as people max out their characters, but I imagine that in the end we will have added a few regular players, which is nice.

(INF3RN0) #54

For 6.25 people will buy any game… that happens every time there’s a steam sale. Just check back at the end of the month and see how the numbers are.

(Ruben0s) #55

I remember that the same thing happened with the first free weekend, it had a peak of around 1200 players the first days after but quickly declined.
Somehow, I think this time there will be more players that will “stick” to the game. Most likely because the game is in a better shape then it used to be with the first free weekend.

(Crytiqal) #56

Only after 8 years or so :stuck_out_tongue:

Afaik, there is an ETLive in the making by the community! :smiley:

(tokamak) #57

Seriously? That’s awesome. Would be awesome if it worked and if they enforced some restrictions on the way the game is allowed to mutate.

(Crytiqal) #58

Here you go:

(matsy) #59

I played ET from the start and I personally think it has transformed into something special. Downside is that there is possibly too many ‘crap’ mods. Which of course is just my opinion as I never played Jay / No quarter / Pub etc only ET Pro, only downside would be the ET Pro isn’t getting an update.

(tokamak) #60

If you consider a warped, cancerous, tumor-ridden liver special yeah.