Brink PC is Free to Play Until Sunday Evening

(tangoliber) #21

[QUOTE=Apoc;387012]Game needs a rehaul to be successful, guns still need work, screen is too cluttered (for the normal players who havent mastered use of the console/configs), bodytypes should be switchable in game, or at least at the end of a game, grenades need to be finite or severely nerfed in the recharge department. After game chat still missing, still buggy (just alt tabbed while loading a new map, on the next map 6 of their players were invisible so i had to disconnect/rejoin), damage/kills dont feel/sound/look good or rewarding, and the clips between maps and objs should be skippable.

That is all.[/QUOTE]

Switching bodytypes would be a big improvement.
What do you mean about after game chat? Are you talking about voice chat? Because the chat box appears for me after the recent weapon patch.

I’d also like vsays. My recommendation would be to have vsays for “Stop sniping!”. “Stop playing operative!”, “Too many soldiers!”, “Don’t hack the door”, “Stop comms hacking people and go kill someone”, “Stop waiting for a medic and just respawn!” :slight_smile:

( #22

So basically brink is still broken :), shame really could have been a decent game.

(jazevec) #23

I think it would be wiser not to have a free weekend. Less bad word of mouth. Unless Splash Damage is going to change its name before releasing their next game…

(tangoliber) #24

Well, I found that this game is very frustrating/boring when the servers are filled with new players. Offense usually can’t complete the first objective. Most of the new players seem to be saying that there needs to be more of a tutorial and that the learning curve is high. (That and they wish there was deathmatch.) Oh well. Its amazing how different the game feels…and I’m reminded of how the game wasn’t that fun for the first week that I played it.

(Patriotqube) #25

If it hadnt been for the mod community, W:ET wouldnt have been around still

without etpro, shrubet, etpub, nq etc etc game would have died years ago

etmain sucked big time

(.Chris.) #26

I blame the server admins more then the actual real modders, it’s just too easy for a server admin to make a simple UI pak with his clan logo plastered all over it.

While idtech4 isnt best engine around compared to idtech3 least it had a grip on resolving the issue of having ****ty paks in your base folder with it’s pure system, unfortunately it meant servers running custom content required multiple restarts as it ‘purges’ all the crap to make sure you only load what you need for that server, something that doesnt happen in ET as such. There was a long write up on the old ET:QW forums that explained to process much better than I just did, I may have got it slightly wrong there.

(light_sh4v0r) #27

lol. SD, maybe you should make your next game a bit easier, with some more handholding. It’s too difficult right now!

(jazevec) #28

[QUOTE=.Chris.;387046]I blame the server admins more then the actual real modders, it’s just too easy for a server admin to make a simple UI pak with his clan logo plastered all over it.

I think it has to do with the kind of people who are part of multiplayer community. If smart people are in charge, they keep stupid ones in check. If smart people leave because they spot a more interesting game, stupid people have their reign. And I think smart people are early adopters more often than not.

(zenstar) #29

Well the game has jumped back into the steam top 100 and pretty high up.
With the super low price tag I’m guessing a fair number of people will buy it.
We just have to see how long people stick around for this time to see if the patch was worth it or not.

(deems) #30

To be honest, I’m looking forward to giving Brink another go. I’m kind of sick of BF which didn’t have the replayability of ETQW for me…and I’m hoping for something a bit more “fun” whatever-the-f-that means. Maybe I’ll enjoy Brink again if the guns are better behaved, and if there are some people online rather than botniks!

Worth a shot…

(Loffy) #31

I have told a couple of friends about this BRINK weekend campaign. Nice marketing initiative. Let’s hope for more players. Btw badman, how about some gossip and news about any planned or implemented new projects over at SD Tower? :slight_smile:

(Donnovan) #32

Today, free weekend play!

Tomorow, SDK!

After tomorow, MEGATEXTURES!

i saw on the stars…

(tangoliber) #33

Wow, that’s a lot of active servers. What’s with the ones that have over the max limit of players though. There is one that has 108 players out of 8.

(badman) #34

All in good time :slight_smile:

(deems) #35

Just had my first round of Brink in ages, and I have to say it was fun. Enjoyed it more than I’ve been enjoying BFBC2…

(tokamak) #36

[QUOTE=.Chris.;387046]I blame the server admins more then the actual real modders, it’s just too easy for a server admin to make a simple UI pak with his clan logo plastered all over it.

While idtech4 isnt best engine around compared to idtech3 least it had a grip on resolving the issue of having ****ty paks in your base folder with it’s pure system, unfortunately it meant servers running custom content required multiple restarts as it ‘purges’ all the crap to make sure you only load what you need for that server, something that doesnt happen in ET as such. There was a long write up on the old ET:QW forums that explained to process much better than I just did, I may have got it slightly wrong there.[/QUOTE]

This is the very reason why I think W:ET live would be a huge hit. Keep the initial parts that improved the game and hold strict control over the rest, like in Quakelive.

I’ve seen W:ET get mentioned several times in Reddit game discussions and constantly the sentiment is that people would pick it up in a heartbeat if it wasn’t for the mod hurdle plastered on it.

(DarkangelUK) #37

In all honesty, I would prefer RtCW Live… but that’s just me. I wouldn’t say no to either though.

(suho) #38

So I was playing some Brink a few minutes ago after a long long pause and still the most annoying problem of all is the performance. How is it possible that a game build on idtech4 has such a poor perf. with fps-drop down to 25fps on a Radeon HD4870? ET:QW is idtech4 and it works just great for me.
To be honest I just do not have the incentive to keep playing a game which is supposed to be played fast but I can’t play it the way it’s meant to be played because the input lag is so freakin high due to low framerates and whatnot …

Sadly it still feels very much like a console shooter to me which is a game that is meant to be played slowly but at the same time it also allows faster action that just keeps throwing stones in your way when you try to play it that way. So in a way the game doesnt really know how it wants to be like.

(SockDog) #39

RTCW for me too although I’d serious think any product set in the Wolfenstein universe that didn’t have both RTCW and W:ET style play would be missing out on one side of the coin.

(DrpPlates) #40

if history repeats itself, as shown in url below, not many…

(you can wrap a turd in a box with a pretty bow, but once you open the box, its still a turd) :slight_smile: