Brink PC is Free to Play Until Sunday Evening

(.Chris.) #61

ET Pro hasn’t been updated in a while anyway so think that wouldn’t be a problem.

Problem is how to keep a flow of good custom content whilst filtering out bad. To be able to determine whether the content is one or the other it must be tested thus allowed but then once it’s been ‘allowed’ how can you ‘un-allow’ it…

Perhaps if some guidelines were made, agreed by the community, in which custom pk3s of any nature had to pass these guidelines before being allowed then it could work that way but then how would such a process work and who would manage it?

(matsy) #62

I think going from 30 minute round maps and 20 odd mines is a good direction…

and @Chris, I don’t think anything can be done for custom content, if for some reason someone likes a map they will host it on a server, even if it is god awful! I guess it would work well for competitive maps but people are too quick to reject decent maps (like your last one) for eye candy or what their e-boyfriend says.

(tokamak) #63

People customised their servers for the sake of customising. The ‘more is more’ attitude.