Brief QUAKE Wars Master Server Outage Tomorrow

(badman) #1

A new story entry has been added:
[drupal=384]Brief QUAKE Wars Master Server Outage Tomorrow[/drupal]

What better way to start 2009 than with some good old-fashioned (if a bit early) Spring Cleaning? That’s what the crew over at DemonWare thought, anyway, and so they will be doing some maintenance on the Enemy Territory: QUAKE Wars master server infrastructure tomorrow (January 8) between 12 PM and 1 PM GMT. The accounts server and the master server list will not be available during this time, so you will not be able to log into your online account or retrieve the server list. Once this is over and done with, the entire back-end should be a wee bit faster and you’ll be able to dive right back into the action.

(lyjg0115) #2

宫颈糜烂的主要表现是白带过多,发黄,确诊需医生检查。 有一点要强调的是,有些宫颈肿瘤的患者,宫颈的外观与宫颈糜烂相似,需要在行宫颈刮片除外宫颈的肿瘤后,方可诊断为宫颈糜烂! 宫颈糜烂可用药物或物理方法来治疗。药物可使用爱宝疗局部敷(最好由大夫进行)或自行上阴道栓剂,药物治疗主要适于未孕的轻到中度的宫颈糜烂患者,但药物治疗一般疗程较长,花费也较多。物理治疗可选择激光、冷冻、微波等治疗,主要选择激光治疗,一般一至二次治疗后均会好转。 有些人认为宫颈糜烂用物理治疗的方法(譬如激光)可能会导致不孕,这其实不正确的观点。宫颈糜烂本身就可能会导致不孕,肯定是需要治疗的,但是如果是重度的糜烂,用药物治疗恐怕一则费钱,二则费精力,三则费时间(如果为中重度的糜烂,临床经验是治疗2~3个月的时间,有些反应好的人能够好,其它需要的时间更长)。所以对于那些重度宫颈糜烂又未育的患者建议采用激光等物理治疗的方法,见效快,治疗需告诉大夫你有生育的要求,打得浅一些,不影响宫颈的功能即可。即便是宫颈粘连上,通一下就可以了。高出生人口质量做出了重大贡献!