Brace Mod Party - Sunday 8 January

(Scrupus) #1

Dear stroggies,

it’s been a while since last time we played Brace, so let’s try to gather for some rounds this Sunday, starting around 18 CET.

Server: ICE Brace Mod [a4-13]

For new players, Brace is a rather special mod for QuakeWars, invented and developed by TinMan Tex. You can find some more details about it in the latest release post - just note that several things have been changed since that one was posted:

I also suggest to connect and try out the mod before Sunday, so you get the hang of the basics before we play. The server is currently populated by bots - they are quite good for training.

The gameplay is quite different than in normal quakewars, here’s some quick notes on the most important things:

  • The usual Strogg vs GDF teams does not exist. Instead each team have 2 players only, so it’s more like a 2 vs 2 vs 2 vs 2 (and so on) TDM game. The mod use the fireteams to keep track of the teams, so use the fireteam menu to organize team name and such.

  • Both player types (GDF and strogg) can pick up and use any weapons or packs they find, and also enter any vehicle. You can also have one strogg and one GDF on the same team.

  • Each round have a fixed time and the goal is to collect as much xp as possible, either by killing, doing stuff, or carrying the briefcase. Note that the xp and team system doesn’t work 100%, so don’t care to much about xp or winning - the important thing is to have fun :slight_smile:

  • In each round there is a briefcase which gives extra xp to the carrier. Drawback is that everyone can see where the briefcase is on the minimap, so prepare to be hunted hard if you’re carrying the case.

  • The radar on minimap works opposite of the normal radar - you can see players on the minimap when they are far away, but they disappear when you get closer.

  • During the round there are several airdrops, each of them will drop crates or vehicles, ready to be picked up by whoever get hold of them first.

  • If team mates stay close to each others, they will get a special bonus, so stick together as much as possible.

Also note that the server is currently running a special config which drops more vehicles than the “vanilla” brace - drawback is less crate drops but hopefully this should work out ok.

Brace is more fun the more human players that shows up, we should at least be 8 or more if possible.

So join up if you can, and don’t be afraid of loosing or being totally lost - it takes a little while to learn the gameplay, but after a round or 2 you’ll get the hang of it :slight_smile:

(YumYum) #2

yayyyy Brace mod! :slight_smile: i will be there :infiltrator:

(Crytiqal) #3

Will there be another one this week?

If so i would hope to make it (PC has flat tire)

(Scrupus) #4

Yeah we should try again, didn’t have time for it this weekend but maybe the next?

It was pretty fun last time, but we had to play with bots and they are too stupid to make it really challenging :infiltrator:

So would be good with some more human players next time.