Blender skeleton vehicle problem

(.Chris.) #1

I’ve got a half working custom flying vehicle but for some strange reason the armature exported is at a different scale to that of the mesh as shown here:

In blender the scaling and location properties for both the mesh and armature are the same.

.Blend file can be found here

All the vehicle stuff for testing can be found here

I’ve not done much with it yet so it flies really awfully!

/me waits for useful light shavor post

(SphereCow) #2

7 seconds of looking at your blend file tells me you should remove your vertices from the group “samusgunship” then delete the group “samusgunship”

Never have vertex points bound to vertex groups that don’t exist as bones.

edit:tested that, exported, works perfectly

Hah. The inside of the ship is so right. I like that you can fit inside, too. Neat-o

(.Chris.) #3

Thanks, never would have thought of that, was really puzzling me how my ship skeleton was OK but this wasn’t.

The model isn’t mine btw, it’s a model from Metroid Prime 2, I’m just using it for learning purposes , that and I really like Metroid.

Was thinking of making some scenes from Super Metroid in ET:QW.

(SphereCow) #4

Really, now. How’d you get it from the GCN to the game? OBJ format or something? Was it a format that supported rigs? Are you going to make a high poly? :]

(ischbinz) #5

i won topen a topic or waste this one -
but i ve a question about the cockpit animations.
the arms and the steering wheel are animated - but i cannot find the frames…
i mean how many frames do i need?
how are they called by the game?
do i need the “left animation” or the right first?!

i have the model itself ready - i just need the animation - can i export them anywhere?

(SphereCow) #6

Jeeze. Wish I could help you with this one. I never really looked into the steering wheels, because I’m a prick.

: [ I would start by looking searching the def file for the armadillo for the letters “IK” or “arms”, or whatever you deem relevant. I suggested the armadillo because it actually has a steering wheel, and animations. I know for certain that the husky’s turn animations are single frames that appear animated through IK with tiny animations for the hand brakes.

The armadillo, however, has full animations, so find all associated files and import the models/anims to blender.

(light_sh4v0r) #7

I did not live up to my expectations, I’m sorry :slight_smile:

(.Chris.) #8

Yes, I’m very disappointed.