(Nail) #221

this is easier

(AnthonyDa) #222

[quote=Chance.;211432]Beta = Final Game?
This reminds me at Wolfenstein …[/quote]
Wolf had no beta, only leaked retail.

(-lucifer-) #223

[QUOTE=_milla;211414]MULTIPLAYER Loading Screens

Official English Description: Units are being rotated out of contact as a
result of combat fatigue. Weeks of fighting have left the harbor in ruins
and the surrounding area littered with destroyed equipment. Armored
movement is hampered and deadly kill zones mare the ground. U.S Forces
are staging an assault of the industrial port with the objective to
seize, retain, and exploit the area. Control of the canal will allow
larger-scale strategic operations along the Southwest Pacific coast.

Official English Description: The American capture of Valparaiso is the
next phase in their strategic plan to repel Russian forces from Chile.
Any U. S. invasion will inevitably consist of a land assault through the
outlying jungle areas and an amphibious landing of infantry and armored
forces along the coast. The objective is the U.S Power Station on the
outskirts of the city. If the installation can be captured and services
cut off, the liberation of the city will inevitably follow suit.

Official English Description: Several days ago a large Russian counter
attack overran U. S. Camp “Christopher” and destroyed a supply train
carrying vital equipment. U.S forces are mustering to recapture the area.
They are trying to establish a buffer zone near the woodlands as their
Battle Group can move unimpeded across the bridge connecting the opposing
high ground. Intelligence reports and Recon patrols have exposed a large
number of Russian troops and IFVs that have reinforced the camp since the
attack occurred.

Official English Description: U. S. Forces are desperate to open a supply
route for an Armored Battle Group engaged in fighting further inland. A
Russian Artillery base controls the area and counters any breakout
actions launched. The base is well defended, and has been successful in
repelling previous attacks. Destruction of the base and control of the
woodlands will allow U.S. amphibious forces to land and open a second
front, which is critical in their plan to liberate South America.

Official English Description: A Russian Naval Group is preparing a massive
amphibious assault. Defending the shore fortifications are 3 U.S fortifications and a
string of artillery defenses. Should the Russians establish a beach head
overrun and U. S. positions, they will be free to advance further inland.
With deteriorating weather and sand storms approaching, U.S. Command has
consolidated all available forces to meet the Russian threat. As a result
of the open ground, a large-scale armor battle supported by attack
helicopters seems likely.

Official English Description: Following the results of the assault armor
At Atacama, U.S. Command insists on a similar action to capture the port
of Arica. The assault group will launch a “breakthrough” action directly
at the Russian base. If the fight dictates, the Battle Group wants to cut
directly through the town located on the axis of advance. Collateral
damage is of no consequence. The Russian base must be destroyed in order
to cross the desert and reach the port Heavy casualties are expected on
both sides.

Official English Description: As the weather has cleared and snowfall
relented, Russian forces are massing for an assault on the White Pass and the
satellite relay station located there. The local town has not been
attacked, but Russian units have probed defenses in the surrounding
woods. The sector has strategic value to U.S. forces as It allows control
of inland routes. Should the area fall into Russian hands, a line of
advance will present itself directly to Nelson Bay.

Official English Description: Winter has hit hard. The river has frozen
Allowing heavy equipment and personnel to operate throughout the sector.
However, the extreme weather and surrounding woods make it unlikely that
any assault will consist of heavy armor. Satellite reconnaissance
indicates Russian Special Forces and airborne units have been pulled away
from South America and are on mass gathering. A nighttime assault is
eminent. Nelson Bay U.S. harbors an underground submarine base that wants to
be defended at all cost.[/QUOTE]

Lol , im from Chile and in this game there is 3 maps supposed to be in Chile … They did a good job with Atacama Desert and Arica harbor:

But “valparaiso Village” was a completely FAIL :
Valparaiso is a CITY, not a village and there is not jungle in Chile . wtf O.o


(INF3RN0) #224

[QUOTE=-lucifer-;211457]Lol , im from Chile and in this game there is 3 maps supposed to be in Chile … They did a good job with Atacama Desert and Arica harbor:

But “valparaiso Village” was a completely FAIL :
Valparaiso is a CITY, not a village and there is not jungle in Chile . wtf O.o


People in America think that anything south is jungle and villages. Try not to laugh.

(_milla) #225

everything outside EU is only jungle lol:D:D:D

(_milla) #226

we should be glad there is some jungle left.

(brbrbr) #227

[QUOTE=AnthonyDa;211431]1st : Learn English language.
2nd : Never come back.[/QUOTE]

  1. why you not follow own advices/rules ?
  2. same.

people nearly anywhere[except Russians, maybe, whose knows clearly, anything on Russian Globe]know nearly nothing about own neighbours, let alone other areas.
most peoples are too busy for that, some just miss-educated or have no access to information at all[let alone education].
and rest - just don’t care. they are just comsumers/manufacturers, robots, zombies, being grown by superme levels of society to help them please self and get access to results of their “lives”[exploit their existence someways].

(Kl3ppy) #228

yeah, but they said, this leaked beta doesnt show the final game. And what happend on release day? Everyone thought “****, its the (leaked) beta”.

(AnthonyDa) #229

Yeah but they put a day-one patch to hide that :smiley:

(_milla) #230

i dont want to start discussion that etqw is dead, but i still dont understand why perfect game as etqw is was abandoned so early by developers. im playing beta, and i will play bfbc2 later, but when im online i comparing these games…// bfbc2 is so funny and enjoyable game, but… etqw still wins.

(Kl3ppy) #231

SD didnt drop the support (correct me if im wrong), the last patch was financed by SD. Activision just didnt give them money for supporting etqw. Activision screwed ETQW!

(_milla) #232

so activision did that? shame on them!

(_milla) #233

more info about bfbc2:
Stationary weapons:








(_milla) #234

Light vehicles:







(_milla) #235

Heavy vehicles:









(_milla) #236

Air and water vehicles:








(PSG_Mud) #237

Activision had complete control over that. SD could do nothing in the matter. As publishers they made the wrong decision to keep on Id and not SD. However, I believe activision dropped Id as a publisher due to wolf.

(signofzeta) #238

it could be that id wanted wolf to be one way, that is, to support the fans, and activision wanted it the other way, seeing how id’s way wouldn’t make as much sales, so they went with the activision way, and now Wolfenstein isn’t as the fans wanted it.

(INF3RN0) #239

Little known fact; Activision had the opportunity to find the cure for cancer, but dropped support. Srry guyz.

(kamikazee) #240

[QUOTE=signofzeta;211597]it could be that id wanted wolf to be one way, that is, to support the fans, and activision wanted it the other way, seeing how id’s way wouldn’t make as much sales, so they went with the activision way, and now Wolfenstein isn’t as the fans wanted it.[/QUOTE]Or the fans couldn’t just make up their mind. You know, it happens.


Well, ok, maybe they themselves couldn’t make up their mind of what a good game would be. Still…

As for Battlefield++++++: the game might have new toys, but it seems that the way you combine those toys won’t change that much to the outcome, pretty much like the older titles. That, or I’m missing out on some unknown game mode.

ET still seems to have a higher replay rate due to the possible random combination of every game element.