Beta Testiing

(Dazzamac) #101

é is Alt Gr+e or Ctrl+Alt+e on a uk keyboard.

(Salteh) #102

It all depends on your keyboard / language settings! :smiley:
Magic windows keyboards!

(Lanz) #103

Swedish keyboards has a key with these two accents on them ´ so I just press ´ + e = é or + e = è. And I use them once a year or something.

(Shaderman) #104

You laptop has no extended keyboard, that’s all :slight_smile:

(kamikazee) #105

Seems a good idea for a new poll: is this fluffy, fuzzy or just cute? (Just to have something more silly then everyone asking for a release date)

(Lanz) #106

That’s definetely cute, but I would scream if that was what I would have to use daily.

(Shaderman) #107

I would call it “wilsy” :smiley:

(Just to have something more silly then everyone asking for a release date)

You need something more serious? Ok, what about this: Will ET:QW run on this laptop? :moo:

(Jaquboss) #108

hehé i have that key directly on my keyboard

(ParanoiD) #109

OMFG stupid me, I never knew how to è… Now i found out i have a ` on my keyboard as well :smiley:

(V2.0) #110

people that registred to the forums only to post in this thread should be considered first. and then people who can produce this letter ç.

(ParanoiD) #111

Nah, ç is too easy! ¶ is tha pwnage!

(Gringo) #112

I am in awe of the leet letter typers.

Btw, isnt that elton john’s laptop?

(Shanks) #113

Ŕâŵŕ, ıм ţõô ģóòď

Ďō Ĭ ŵĩň¿

(Shaderman) #114


(Dazzamac) #115

Ŷőůŗ ǎłļ Ģĥęŷ!

(Floris) #116

î åm müÇH |ËËtË® tHåñ tHåt tö ßË Höñ˧t

(kamikazee) #117

[rant] I can’t take this any longer…
Why must there be leet-speak everywhere? Why? [/rant]

Ok, move along.

(Dazzamac) #118

errol started it by spelling touché wrong.

(AtomiQue) #119


Leet enough? :wink: :banana:

(eRRoLfLyNN) #120

touché isn’t leet speak afaik :wink: