Beta 2 is out, scoreboard...

(jjpron) #1

Man, some kids have waay too much time to play.
Fileplanet has the beta2 download and the stats (beta) are here:

(obsidian) #2

Gee, I suck…


Good thing I don’t care much about ratings.

(Nishua) #3

Will my beta 1 key work on beta 2 ?

(kamikazee) #4

Well, it should.

If you did grab a second one, you can make a friend happy.

(Snoofer) #5

everything works, no xp reset

and it looks a lot better

(obsidian) #6

Yes, plays a lot smoother too. Better sounds, better hit detection.

(iwound) #7

Yes also my coffee tastes better, how do you do it SD.
It’s a whole bunch of loveliness coated in caramel with a crunchy human centre.

(BondyBoy007) #8

woot! 977th

not that I play for stats of course :slight_smile:

and it thinks I’m American :x

(Sauron|EFG) #9

The “rank” is based on the amount of XP, so all it takes to reach number 1 is to play the game 24/7. :stuck_out_tongue:

(murka) #10

well, cant beat dommafia anyway.
im #24 total #6 tormentor :slight_smile:
seems like the county flags are coming(i live in unknown :P)
i play 5hrs a day(summer for us kiddies and nothing to do).

(Dr_Tenma) #11

I notice that the stats site hasn’t been updated to reflect Beta 2 changed. I’m sure you’ve all noticed how much easier it is to rack up exp on Beta 2, so they also cranked up the requirements to earn those Achievement Medals according to the in-game stats screen.

Since the medals are out of wack, so are the persistant military rank badges - which are determined by progress on medals rather than straight exp, from what I understand. I notice in game that my persistent rank icon keeps changing too, half the time it’s not accurate to what my stats screen shows… anywhere from showing no icon, to private to some sort of sargeant. Never shows anything above what I actually am, heh.

(Simbot) #12

The stats are weak, not worth paying extra $1-2 dollars more per slot for.

(kamikazee) #13

Who ever said you needed to play for stats?

The only advantage of a ranked server is the fact that they will all be configured the same and offer no unknown downloads. No custom sound packs, no skin packs, no servers with slow speed settings, …

Ranks are rather a “bonus”.

However, I guess I’ll still be at the unranked servers due to modding.

(murka) #14

those reqs what were in beta1 were actually good for some like vehicles and engineering, now it takes one map for vehicles and a bit more(flying inside a vehicle and barely constructing) for engineering. i was almost able to get lvl 4 LW, really wanted those akimbos…
nice to see that Estonia is getting a flag on the stat page, right now it just says Estonia with no picture.

(Danyboy) #15

currently 4,705

Go me!