Battle for Earth! Wut?

(onYn) #1

During my late night studying, my brain has **** out an idea i would like to post here. Maybe someone, who is going to organize a cup in the future, can use it somehow.

Well first of all, I would like to mention, that the reason most people get bored by the current cups, is that most of the teams, are playing constantly on their level. Everyone owns the same people all the time, and on the other side get owned by the same people. Of course no one is really training any more, as the game is kinda “dead”… well … it´s more like the evil granny that seems to be able to live forever while being dead allready. Anyway, in this case, why we just dont shuffle the teams? Why can´t we just try to do a draft based cup. All you need for that, are some volunteers for leading, and some people who show up freqeutnly (what shouldn´t be that much of a problem now, because and i quote “the rats are coming out when the first leafs fall”). So in the beginning of the cup, the captains gather, and can pick their team out of the registered people. For a 5v5 cup, it would be like 7 people for a whole team - means 6 to pick. 2 Guys will be just for backup, and others who sign up after the start of the cup, can be assigned to a team too, if it needs some more people and it doesn´t screw the “balance”.

You could also include some raitings, and allow the captains to transfer their people, for almost same ranked people of other teams. Also, the people who can´t play, can play some 1v1 or 2v2, if the teams agree.

This is just a random idea by myself, feel free to discuss it or tell how stupid you think this is :smiley:

(PS: I know that this will need some more organisation, and also a lot of fairplay by the people, but maybe this can workout somehow sooner or later :slight_smile:
PPS: I am pretty sure this wont work at all, because no one realy likes someone else, besides their own teammates ^^)


(Finko) #2

It was in Simpsons , but with lame organization.

(Aristotle) #3

I’d be up for this, in any way I can help.

Got laid off temporarily about a week ago, waiting for a few months before rehire, and in that time I don’t really have anything else to do, so I am available whenever and can play at any times given advance notice of a day or so.

(Karpax) #4

Great idea Onyn, Close games are the most exciting. Makes it also more easy to join the cup even when you haven’'t a team of 5 players…

(aSHARK) #5

I agree with KARPAX this seems like a good idea.

(Dope) #6

And dont forget about custom maps

(Finko) #7

Everyone likes this idea, now we need someone who organizes this event :stuck_out_tongue:

(aSHARK) #8

Maybe rUBBEN wants to organize it if he wants too.

(onYn) #9

If there is someone who wants to organise it, I will support you, if you need some help.

(Dthy) #10

Correct me if I’m wrong, but isn’t Battle for Earth a TAW thing?

(Aristotle) #11

We can make it an anybody thing :stuck_out_tongue:

God knows they try to make everything theirs anyway ^^

(Snotling) #12

Why don’t you just organize it yourself? It’s your idea after all…

(rUBBEN) #13

Some people here think that this forum is about " we have good ideas but we are too smart to give our time to organise it " .

Now either somebody decides to involve in it, or this isn’t going to take place.

(onYn) #14

Yes dth, we play BFE in TAW. I was playing in it for quiet a long time too, but there is no copy right on it ;p. So I want to take it, change it to the needs of the community, and try it out. This thread is generally something to gather some more ideas, checking the responses.

I actually think that there are some people with authority, and contacts out there, whou can gather people much easier then myself. That´s why I said, that I´m fine with someonelse kicking it off. I haven´t said tho, that I won´t try it on my own when the respons is good, and no one else wants to pick it up. At least when I have finished my exams next week.

If i decide to do it on my own, I will contact you rUBBEN, for some advice, links to forums, etc. :wink:


(Runeforce) #15

You god damn son of a bitch. First you leave TAW (or did you? I don’t see you in our battalion and I havn’t seen you for a very long time,) then you keep your signature, and now you steal our BFE? Prepare to get sued! :wink:

(Dthy) #16

So this is a cleverly hidden attempt to get people to join TAW? Hmmm, you’re becoming incredibly sly TAW, well played.

(rUBBEN) #17

ofc I can help that way :wink:

(onYn) #18

You may confuse some people with your comments ;D

(Dthy) #19

I’LL JOIN! Wait… I won’t! Wait… What?

(_Wizard_) #20

free cookies to the first 10 people to join taw! :-p