Banning IP-ranges

(Splifff_7) #1

What’s up all,

I have a question about banning people on the demo. As you all probably already know, there aren’t any GUID’s associated with players on the demo, so if we want to ban someone, we must ban their IP. Now, IPs can be easily changed, so I was wondering if there is a way to ban IP ranges.

A normal entry inside the demo guidstates.dat file looks like this:

entry {
	"ip"	""
	"user_name"	"prick"
	"ban_time"	"forever"

And I would like to ban all IPs that start with 199.255. Is it possible? I’ve tried the following without any success:

	"ip"	"199.255.*.*"
	"ip"	"199.255*"
	"ip"	""
	"ip"	""
	"ip"	""
	"ip"	""

Thanks for the help,

(Patriotqube) #2

[QUOTE=Splifff_7;391401]What’s up all,

I have a question about banning people on the demo. As you all probably already know, there aren’t any GUID’s associated with players on the demo, so if we want to ban someone, we must ban their IP. Now, IPs can be easily changed, so I was wondering if there is a way to ban IP ranges.

A normal entry inside the demo guidstates.dat file looks like this:

entry {
	"ip"	""
	"user_name"	"prick"
	"ban_time"	"forever"

And I would like to ban all IPs that start with 199.255. Is it possible? I’ve tried the following without any success:

	"ip"	"199.255.*.*"
	"ip"	"199.255*"
	"ip"	""
	"ip"	""
	"ip"	""
	"ip"	""

Thanks for the help,


"ip"	"199.255"

Im not that familiar with qw engine and setups but on q3 based games we can do this with rcon
if we just wanna ban the whole IP range
/rcon addIP 199.255
this bans all IP’s from through

(Dthy) #3

I don’t think banning IP’s would work as well as you might think. They could have a dynamic IP so it would constantly change.

(Patriotqube) #4

true i just answered his request :wink:

(Splifff_7) #5

I tried that by manually adding it in the file, and it didn’t work. I’ll try it with rcon and see what happens.

I talked to xER during a game yesterday and he said that it was possible, but didn’t know how.

Yep, that’s one reason I want to ban ranges of IPs. Usually the first 2 octets stay the same and just the last two change for dynamic IPs.

(Splifff_7) #6

Tried rcon addIP 199.255 but it says:

unknown command ‘addIP’

(sereNADE) #7

i didnt know you could ban ip’s from within the game but thought it a pb command instead.

(Crytiqal) #8

Are you hosting a demo server? What about pb bans?

(Splifff_7) #9

well I’m an admin of the gaming palace servers, and they’re the only active ones on the demo. We’re trying to permanently ban a person named cookie (I’m sure you all know the story behind him)

and PB is disabled on these servers.

(Shelly) #10

good to see you guys will ban him too =) hope it will work.

(coldcookie) #11

Hey Khalsa :wink:
Its NOT possible what you are trying to do. Also banned players can easily change their IP by restarting their router, using a proxy (i once used a highspeed german proxy :stuck_out_tongue: ) or simply using a programm called TMAC.

“I talked to xER during a game yesterday and he said that it was possible, but didn’t know how.”
Rex is a lier, an ego & a noob :wink:

(also im not the only one who uses 92.226 octave :wink:
Cheers :slight_smile:

(light_sh4v0r) #12

Surprise, someone trying to protect himself.

(.Chris.) #13

Relevant information.

(light_sh4v0r) #14

Ah thanks, that makes things more clear.

(Kl3ppy) #15

thx Chris, was very helpful.

(coldcookie) #16

so adult -.-