banned for using the sniper reload glitch?

(Dthy) #21

Haha nothing against you personally, just AJ and moosea and that calling me a hacker without proof.

(BioSnark) #22

Feel very, very free to move this discussion/drama to the correct forum, as opposed to here. Also, I’d recommend you respect the rules where you play or play where you respect the rules.

(.N.E.R.D.) #23

So now this is settled, it’s time to move on to another game guys :wink:

(Rex) #24

Ohh we got another bad ass officer here :smiley:

(Finko) #25

This community never changes, hax, gliches, pub vs pro are eternal threads :smiley:

(BioSnark) #26

Haven’t banned anyone from anything in years. Sorry.

(riddicki) #27

i was playing on a server where they warned you a couple times and you kept using the glitch so why act surprised when you get banned. hell i get kicked all the time for respawning in a fight cause i dont want to wait 30 seconds and thats just as legal

(cloudhalo) #28

u dont get it… i acknowledge the fact that they warned me but i only knew they warned me after i got banned, there was a communication issue and even when they kicked me i tried to pm the admins but they would not respond as to y i got kicked they assumed i know which i didnt, plus i had voice chat off so i did not know whether or not what i was doin was legal or illegal, loki told me he put a message in the chat about it but i did not see it, i didnt even know he put the message in until he told me in the forum. the admins think that i got the warnings an was continuing using the glitch which is y i got banned but i did not get the warnings becuase of the voice chat bein turned off, if i knew about the warnings i honesty would have stopped. tbh due to the bans an my posting now i know about the warnings because me an other people r communicating

(Rex) #29

You are not the first who opened such a thread, but it is still useless. The End.

(Aristotle) #30

No offense, but it’s your fault in the end if they warned you, and multiple others heard and saw the warnings. Your fault you had global turned off, not anybody esle’s. You can post here all you want, but at this point I am sure there’s not really anybody who cares. Like Rex said, this isn’t the first post like this, between these forums and the old comm forums. Nobody cares anyway, it’s pointless to open a thread here to bitch about it. Should have just gone to the forums for the server after the kick and asked them why you were kicked if you honestly care about being able to play there.

(Loki.) #31

LOL- wow —
i said, over a week ago Regulars complained about you and the glitch… i warned you via voice chat. complaints continued… i then typed it via global chat… complaints stopped… as in you stopped using it… end result you werent kicked at that time… this time, the admin had enough of the warnings… banned you… in the future, may i suggest you heed the warnings…

(cloudhalo) #32

like my logic before u guys could have given me a million warnings via voice chat and since it was disable i would have made no correction on my problem because of a lack of communication but i realize my mistakes and take full responsibility i think this will be my last post on this cause this thread is DEAD…TIME TO MAKE A NEW POST ON GRAPHIC CARDS

(.N.E.R.D.) #33

Next time don’t use this weird magic on servers, ppl get scared …

(Celebrian) #34

(Celebrian) #35

(Apples) #36

Just because you never saw me admining… nubrex forever

(_Wizard_) #37

Hey Cloudhalo…not sure if you’re NA or EU, but on the NA side I try to get a public ProMod server started every Thursday around 8 PM CST. We usually manage to scrounge just enough people to start a match, but if that’s something you’re interested in, look for a ProMod server at that time! We’re usually on the Crypt ProMod server.

(cloudhalo) #38

do i need a password if so give it to me

(_Wizard_) #39

There’s no password, just hop on and join us!

(cloudhalo) #40

alright ill see u in game but i warn u i dont have a microphone an i would also like to know if i can use the sniper reload glitch because i know its not allowed on certain servers?