Why would it be ?
Considering every multiplay servers are the same, they’ll be affected in pretty much the same proportions.
As far as I see it, this mostly means that when you restart your server from multiplay panel, you’re not restarting the actual physical server. Which does need a restart to solve the issue directly, as it somehow overload RAM and other memories, and it’s not fully restored when you shut the server binary off.
That said, try to stick on properly properly routed multiplay regions : stockholm is at least 50/60 ms ping for anyone in western Europe, which is absurd, even with fibre cable. London and Frankfurt shows packetloss frequently thus weird hitreg appearing. So far I have not tested any Paris Located server, but Amsterdam seems to me the best choice you could do.
By the way, I just joined another community server this afternoon, which was evenly affected after long time with no restart. Even official public servers start acting weird this afternoon (it often does on sundays, it’s not new once again).