I have something funny that is related to a thread I posted in a different forum, and is also related to the MacGruber SNL skits. Here it goes.
All company names are not correlated to if they gave the trailers, or Quakecon event coverage. They are the companies that are developing, and publishing ETQW, so I would think that they would deal with the angry mob that will abandon ETQW in whenever it would be. Timeframes are made up too.
id software: We have a mob of gamers and we have a couple of years and a bit before they start to lose focus from our new game, Enemy Territory Quake Wars.
Splash Damage: What do we do Activision?
Activision: Don’t worry, we’ll give them their game. Do as I say and they will be satisfied. SD, give me the game announcement.
SD: You got it.
Acti: id, give me the QuaKecon event coverage.
id: of course,
Acti: SD, give me the trailers.
SD: anything to defuse the unpopularity of the game.
Acti: id, give me the beta.
id: Beta’s right here.
Acti: SD, give me the release date.
SD: where, what release date?
Acti: There, the one right on the page that say the game is complete.
SD: I’m not giving them a release date.
id: C’mon, give them the release date.
SD: YOU give the release date.
id: I can’t I’m working on another game.
Acti: Fine, I’ll give the release date, I hope I have enough time to…
Quake wars anticipators gave up on the game