Back from ze dead and lazy as f**k

(Apples) #21

I still need to see it :wink:

(Dthy) #22

[QUOTE=Apples;412997]mmm if I remeber well I still powned you back then sverige, and Iā€™m a god damn low level player, so cheating when you are bad = you are still badā€¦

Moot point anyway, your cfg is too damn weird dthwsomething, I only use the last lines (but thank you, Iā€™ll still give you red wine if you ever cross the channel), verticae one was perfect :slight_smile: Seanza, to the rescue now![/QUOTE]

Awesome, Iā€™m going to plan to go to france :smiley: Yeh itā€™s a weird cfg and iā€™ve made it even weirder :o

(Kl3ppy) #23

This came to my mind

(Rex) #24


This came to my mind[/QUOTE]

Haha :smiley: or he himself.

(r3fleX) #25

[QUOTE=Dthwsh;411752]Hereā€™s my super 1337 cfg. Itā€™s so 1337 I couldnā€™t actually upload it since the forums attachment limit is 19KB and this is 25.5KBā€¦

//DeAthY ET:QW Cfg, V 1.5//
// CM STORM Xornet Mouse //
//       @ 500 DPI       //


seta anim_reduced "0"


seta aor_physicsLod3StartScale "1"
seta aor_physicsLod2StartScale "1"
seta aor_physicsLod1StartScale "1"
seta aor_ikCutoffScale "1"
seta aor_animationCutoffScale "1"
seta aor_physicsCutoffScale "1"


seta bse_simple "1"
seta bse_rateCost "1"
seta bse_rateLimit "1"
seta bse_detailLevel "0.5"
seta bse_enable "0"


seta com_unlock_maxFPS "999"
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seta com_lastGraphicsDetailLevel "0"
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seta demo_noclip "0"


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seta g_bind_context_anansi "flier"
seta g_bind_context_badger "vehicle"
seta g_bind_context_bumblebee "flier"
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seta g_bind_context_goliath "vehicle"
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seta g_bind_context_hornet "flier"
seta g_bind_context_husky "vehicle"
seta g_bind_context_icarus "vehicle"
seta g_bind_context_mcp "vehicle"
seta g_bind_context_platypus "vehicle"
seta g_bind_context_titan "vehicle"
seta g_bind_context_trojan "vehicle"
seta g_competitionMode "0
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seta g_allowLean "3"
seta g_skipIntro "1"
seta g_radialMenuMouseSensitivity "0.5"
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seta g_radialMenuStyle "1"
seta g_showChargeTimers "1"
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seta g_specLabelStroggColor "1 0.2 0.2 1"
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seta g_lookAtKiller "1"
seta g_lookAtMedic "1"
seta g_noBotSpectate "1"
seta g_radialMenuMouseInput "2"
seta g_vehicleSteerKeyScale "1"
seta g_transportDebrisLowCutoff "0"
seta g_transportDebrisMediumCutoff "0"
seta g_transportDebrisHighCutoff "0"
seta g_transportDebrisExtraHighCutoff "0"
seta g_maxTransportDebrisLow "0"
seta g_maxTransportDebrisMedium "0"
seta g_maxTransportDebrisHigh "0"
seta g_maxTransportDebrisExtraHigh "0"
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seta g_enableSpectateLock "0"
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seta g_repeaterPassword ""
seta g_viewerPassword ""
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seta g_forceLimboSpectate "1"
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seta g_maxTeamTimeouts "0"
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seta g_drawMineIcons "1"
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seta g_useBotsInPlayerTotal "1"
seta g_autoReadyWait "1"
seta g_autoReadyPercent "50"
seta g_maxVoiceChatsOver "30"
seta g_maxVoiceChats "4"
seta g_voteWait "2.5"
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seta g_unlock_updateAngles "1"
seta g_maxSpectateTime "0"
seta g_kickBanLength "2"
seta g_xpSave "1"
seta g_privatePassword ""
seta g_password ""
seta g_gameReviewPause "0.09"
seta g_warmup "0.5"
seta g_muteSpecs "0"
seta g_warmupDamage "1"
seta g_teamSwitchDelay "5"
seta g_execMapConfigs "0"
seta g_complaintGUIDLimit "4"
seta g_complaintLimit "6"
seta g_allowComplaint_vehicles "1"
seta g_allowComplaint_explosives "1"
seta g_allowComplaint_charge "0"
seta g_allowComplaint_firesupport "1"
seta g_hitBeep "1"
seta g_weaponSwitchTimeout "0"
seta g_maxPlayerWarnings "0"
seta g_advancedHud "1"
seta g_showPlayerShadow "0"
seta g_showPlayerClassIcon "1"
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seta g_autoDemoNameFormat "$year$$month$$day$_$hour$$min$$sec$_$map$_$rules$_$name$_build_$srcrev$_$mediarev$.ndm"
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seta g_buddyColor "255 255 0 1"
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seta g_chatTeamColor "178 255 0 1"
seta g_chatDefaultColor "255 255 255 1"
seta g_writeStats "1"
seta g_disableGlobalAudio "0"
seta g_fov "110"
seta g_skipPostProcess "1"
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seta g_showFireTeamLocation "0"
seta g_maxComplaints "3"
seta g_volumeMusic_dB "-60"
seta g_spectateLerpScale "0.2"
seta g_gameReviewReadyWait "0"
seta g_allowLateJoin "1"
seta g_disableGlobalChat "0"
seta g_muzzleFlash "0"
seta g_disableMuzzleFlash "1"
seta g_skipAtmosphericEffects "1"
seta g_disableTracers "1"


seta gui_notificationPause "5"
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seta in_joy4_device "232429"
seta in_joy3_device "232429"
seta in_joy2_device "232429"
seta in_joy1_device "232429"
seta in_toggleSprint "0"
seta in_toggleRun "0"
seta in_freeLook "1"
seta in_anglespeedkey "1.5"
seta in_pitchspeed "140"
seta in_yawspeed "140"
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seta in_hovertank_side_offset "0"
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seta in_hovertank_side_axis "-1"
seta in_hovertank_side_joy "1"
seta in_hovertank_yaw_power "4"
seta in_hovertank_yaw_offset "0"
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seta in_hovertank_yaw_speed "230"
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seta in_hovertank_yaw_joy "1"
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seta in_hovertank_pitch_offset "0"
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seta in_hovertank_pitch_joy "1"
seta in_hovertank_turn_power "1"
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seta in_hovertank_turn_invert "0"
seta in_hovertank_turn_speed "140"
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seta in_hovertank_turn_axis "0"
seta in_hovertank_turn_joy "1"
seta in_hovertank_forward_power "1"
seta in_hovertank_forward_offset "0"
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seta in_hovertank_forward_joy "1"
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seta in_heli_side_speed "140"
seta in_heli_side_deadZone "0.2"
seta in_heli_side_axis "2"
seta in_heli_side_joy "1"
seta in_heli_forward_power "1"
seta in_heli_forward_offset "0"
seta in_heli_forward_invert "0"
seta in_heli_forward_speed "140"
seta in_heli_forward_deadZone "0.2"
seta in_heli_forward_axis "3"
seta in_heli_forward_joy "1"
seta in_heli_yaw_power "1"
seta in_heli_yaw_offset "0"
seta in_heli_yaw_invert "0"
seta in_heli_yaw_speed "140"
seta in_heli_yaw_deadZone "0.2"
seta in_heli_yaw_axis "0"
seta in_heli_yaw_joy "1"
seta in_heli_throttle_power "1"
seta in_heli_throttle_offset "0"
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seta in_heli_throttle_speed "140"
seta in_heli_throttle_deadZone "0.2"
seta in_heli_throttle_axis "1"
seta in_heli_throttle_joy "1"
seta in_car_yaw_power "4"
seta in_car_yaw_offset "0"
seta in_car_yaw_invert "1"
seta in_car_yaw_speed "230"
seta in_car_yaw_deadZone "0.2"
seta in_car_yaw_axis "2"
seta in_car_yaw_joy "1"
seta in_car_pitch_power "4"
seta in_car_pitch_offset "0"
seta in_car_pitch_invert "1"
seta in_car_pitch_speed "230"
seta in_car_pitch_deadZone "0.2"
seta in_car_pitch_axis "3"
seta in_car_pitch_joy "1"
seta in_car_steering_power "1"
seta in_car_steering_offset "0"
seta in_car_steering_invert "0"
seta in_car_steering_speed "140"
seta in_car_steering_deadZone "0.2"
seta in_car_steering_axis "0"
seta in_car_steering_joy "1"
seta in_car_throttle_power "1"
seta in_car_throttle_offset "0"
seta in_car_throttle_invert "1"
seta in_car_throttle_speed "140"
seta in_car_throttle_deadZone "0.2"
seta in_car_throttle_axis "1"
seta in_car_throttle_joy "1"
seta in_player_side_power "1"
seta in_player_side_offset "0"
seta in_player_side_invert "0"
seta in_player_side_speed "140"
seta in_player_side_deadZone "0.2"
seta in_player_side_axis "0"
seta in_player_side_joy "1"
seta in_player_forward_power "1"
seta in_player_forward_offset "0"
seta in_player_forward_invert "1"
seta in_player_forward_speed "140"
seta in_player_forward_deadZone "0.2"
seta in_player_forward_axis "1"
seta in_player_forward_joy "1"
seta in_player_yaw_power "4"
seta in_player_yaw_offset "0"
seta in_player_yaw_invert "1"
seta in_player_yaw_speed "230"
seta in_player_yaw_deadZone "0.2"
seta in_player_yaw_axis "2"
seta in_player_yaw_joy "1"
seta in_player_pitch_power "4"
seta in_player_pitch_offset "0"
seta in_player_pitch_invert "1"
seta in_player_pitch_speed "230"
seta in_player_pitch_deadZone "0.2"
seta in_player_pitch_axis "3"
seta in_player_pitch_joy "1"
seta in_alwaysrun "1"


seta m_rawInput "1"
seta m_strafeSmooth "4"
seta m_smooth "1"
seta m_strafeScale "6.25"
seta m_yaw "0.0195"
seta m_pitch "0.013"
seta m_playerYawScale "1"
seta m_playerPitchScale "1"
seta m_heavyVehicleYawScale "1"
seta m_heavyVehiclePitchScale "1"
seta m_lightVehicleYawScale "1"
seta m_lightVehiclePitchScale "1"
seta m_bumblebeeYawScale "1"
seta m_bumblebeePitchScale "1"
seta m_helicopterYawScale "1"
seta m_helicopterPitchScale "1"
seta m_helicopterYaw "0.022"
seta m_helicopterPitch "0.022"


seta net_maxQoSRequests "12"
seta net_QoSTimeout "999"
seta net_useUPnP "1"
seta net_socksPassword ""
seta net_socksUsername ""
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seta net_socksServer ""
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seta net_clientRepeaterDelay "0"
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seta net_maxPredictionMerge "1"
seta net_clientprediction "20"
seta net_maxprediction "1500"


seta password "WhyAreYouReadingThis?"


seta pm_vehicleSoundLerpScale "10"
seta pm_skipBob "1"
seta pm_bobroll "0.000"
seta pm_bobpitch "0.000"
seta pm_bobup "0.000"
seta pm_runroll "0.000"
seta pm_runpitch "0.000"
seta pm_runbob "0.000"
seta pm_walkbob "0.000"
seta pm_crouchbob "0.000"
seta pm_bboxwidth "32"
seta pm_crouchrate "180"
seta pm_normalheight "79"
seta pm_crouchheight "56"
seta pm_noclipspeedwalk "256"
seta pm_noclipspeedsprint "960"
seta pm_noclipspeed "480"
seta pm_sprintspeedstrafe "176"
seta pm_sprintspeedforward "352"
seta pm_runspeedstrafe "212"
seta pm_runspeedback "160"
seta pm_runspeedforward "256"
seta pm_jumpheight "68"
seta pm_friction "4"
seta pm_usecylinder "0"


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seta r_imposterCutoff "80"
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seta r_shaderSkipSpecCubeMaps "0"
seta r_normalizeNormalMaps "1"
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seta r_megatexturePreferALU "1"
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seta r_shadowPolygonOffset "-5"
seta r_offsetunits "-600"
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seta r_gamma "1.7"
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seta r_useShadowInfinite "1"
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seta r_stuffCacheMegs "8"
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seta r_stuffFadeStart "0"
seta r_MD5LodScale "1"
seta r_occlusionsMaxFrames "10"
seta r_renderProgramLodFade "1"
seta r_renderProgramLodDistance "0"
seta r_AtmospherePostprocess "0"
seta r_noDoubleAtmosphere "1"


seta ri_maxViewers "0"
seta ri_name ""
seta ri_privateViewers "0"
seta ri_useViewerPass "0"


seta s_decompressionLimit "6"
seta s_libOpenAL "openal32.dll"
seta s_micDevice "942631870"
seta s_voiceDevice "-1244000122"
seta s_primaryDevice "-1244000122"
seta s_driver "dsound"
seta s_maxLowPrioritySounds "8"
seta s_useAdpcmCompression "0"
seta s_numberOfSpeakers "2"
seta s_globalFraction "0.8"
seta s_subFraction "0.5"
seta s_playDefaultSound "1"
seta s_volume_VoIPScale "0"
seta s_volume_VoIPOut_dB "0"
seta s_volume_VoIPIn_dB "0"
seta s_volume_dB "0"
seta s_meterTopTime "2000"
seta s_esa1_maxWindow "0.4"
seta s_esa1_minVolume "0.15"
seta s_earSeperationAlgo "0"
seta s_reverse "0"
seta s_spatializationDecay "2"
seta s_maxSoundsPerShader "0"
seta s_volumeMusic_dB "-60"
seta s_voipVolumeOut_dB "0"
seta s_voipVolumeIn_dB "0"


seta sensitivity "7.35"


seta sys_lang "english"


seta testLightColor "1.0 1.0 1.0"


seta tv_adminPass "password"
seta tv_adminEnable "0"
seta tv_adminPort "27787"


seta ui_swapFlightYawAndRoll "0"
seta ui_showComplaints "0"
seta ui_voipReceiveFireTeam "1"
seta ui_voipReceiveTeam "1"
seta ui_voipReceiveGlobal "1"
seta ui_drivingCameraFreelook "1"
seta ui_rememberCameraMode "0"
seta ui_advancedFlightControls "1"
seta ui_postArmFindBestWeapon "0"
seta ui_ignoreExplosiveWeapons "0"
seta ui_autoSwitchEmptyWeapons "1"
seta ui_showGun "1"
seta ui_advancedDrivingControls "0"


seta uv_debugFreecamLookAt "0"
seta uv_freecamLookatOffset "15"
seta uv_freecamUseLookDirect "0"
seta uv_showOwnFragsOnly "0"
seta uv_drawPlayerNames "0"


seta win_ypos "0"
seta win_xpos "0"
seta win_notaskkeys "1"

//Class Binds//

seta g_class_context_aggressor "strogg"
seta g_class_context_technician "strogg"
seta g_class_context_constructor "strogg"
seta g_class_context_oppressor "strogg"
seta g_class_context_infiltrator "strogg"
seta g_class_context_soldier "gdf"
seta g_class_context_medic "gdf"
seta g_class_context_engineer "gdf"
seta g_class_context_fieldops "gdf"
seta g_class_context_covertops "gdf"



bind kp_end "clientClass technician 0; addchatline' ^ptechnician^1.^wlacerator'" "" "strogg"
bind kp_pgdn "clientClass technician 1; addchatline' ^ptechnician^1.^wnailgun'" "kp_end" "strogg" 


bind kp_downarrow "clientClass constructor 0; addchatline' ^pconstructor^2.^wlacerator'" "" "strogg"
bind kp_end "clientClass constructor 1; addchatline' ^pconstructor^2.^wnailgun'" "kp_downarrow" "strogg" 


bind kp_pgdn "clientClass oppressor 0; addchatline' ^poppressor^3.^wlacerator'" "" "strogg"
bind kp_downarrow "clientClass oppressor 1; addchatline' ^poppressor^3.^waccurized^3-^wlacerator'" "kp_pgdn" "strogg" 


bind kp_leftarrow "clientClass infiltrator 1; addchatline' ^pinfiltrator^4.^wrailgun'" "" "strogg"
bind kp_5 "clientClass infiltrator 0; addchatline' ^pinfiltrator^4.^waccurized^3-^wlacerator'" "kp_leftarrow" "strogg"


bind kp_5 "clientClass aggressor 0; addchatline' ^paggressor^5.^wlacerator'" "" "strogg"
bind kp_end "clientClass aggressor 1; addchatline' ^paggressor^5.^wobliterator'" "kp_5" "strogg" 
bind kp_downarrow "clientClass aggressor 2; addchatline' ^paggressor^5.^whyperblaster'" "kp_5" "strogg" 
bind kp_pgdn "clientClass aggressor 3; addchatline' ^paggressor^5.^wnailgun'" "kp_5" "strogg" 



bind kp_end "clientClass medic 0; addchatline' ^pmedic^1.^wassault rifle'" "" "gdf"
bind kp_pgdn "clientClass medic 1; addchatline' ^pmedic^1.^wshotgun'" "kp_end" "gdf" 

bind kp_downarrow "clientClass engineer 0; addchatline' ^pengineer^2.^wassault rifle'" "" "gdf"
bind kp_end "clientClass engineer 1; addchatline' ^pengineer^2.^wshotgun'" "kp_downarrow" "gdf" 

//Field Ops

bind kp_pgdn "clientClass fieldops 0; addchatline' ^pfield ops^3.^wassault rifle'" "" "gdf"
bind kp_downarrow "clientClass fieldops 1; addchatline' ^pfield ops^3.^wscoped ^wassault rifle'" "kp_pgdn" "gdf" 

//Covert Ops

bind kp_leftarrow "clientClass covertops 1; addchatline' ^pcovert ops^4.^wsniper rifle'" "" "gdf"
bind kp_5 "clientClass covertops 0; addchatline' ^pcovert ops^4.^wscoped assault rifle'" "kp_leftarrow" "gdf" 


bind kp_5 "clientClass soldier 0; addchatline' ^psoldier^5.^wassault rifle'" "" "gdf"
bind kp_end "clientClass soldier 1; addchatline' ^psoldier^5.^wrocket ^wlauncher'" "kp_5" "gdf" 
bind kp_downarrow "clientClass soldier 2; addchatline' ^psoldier^5.^wgpmg'" "kp_5" "gdf" 
bind kp_pgdn "clientClass soldier 3; addchatline' ^psoldier^5.^wshotgun'" "kp_5" "gdf" 

//Spawn Select//

bind kp_pgup "clientDefaultSpawn; vstr DefSpawn; addchatline'^pspawning^6.^wfrontline'" ""
bind kp_home "setSpawnPoint base; vstr BaseSpawn; addchatline'^pspawning^6.^wmain base'" ""
bind kp_uparrow "setSpawnPoint prev ; addchatline '^pspawning^6.^wprevious'" "" "default"


bind "r" "_stroyDown" "" "strogg"
bind "r" "_reload" "" "gdf"

bind "F5" "clientTeam gdf" "" "default"
bind "f6" "clientTeam strogg" "" "default"
bind "F7" "clientTeam spectator" "" "default"

bind "F11" "screenshot" "" "default"

bind "F12" "toggleNetDemo" "" "default"

bind "mouse5" "_stroyDown" "" "strogg"
bind "mouse4" "_weapon5"

bind "g" "kill" "shift"

bind "kp_RIGHTARROW" "toggle net_predictionErrorDecay 1 0"

seta vup "vstr s16"
seta vdown "vstr s14"

seta s00 "s_volume_dB -60 ; addchatline '^1||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||'   ; seta vup vstr s01 ; seta vdown vstr s00"	
seta s01 "s_volume_dB -58 ; addchatline '^2|^1|||||||||||||||||||||||||||||' ; seta vup vstr s02 ; seta vdown vstr s00"
seta s02 "s_volume_dB -56 ; addchatline '^2||^1||||||||||||||||||||||||||||' ; seta vup vstr s03 ; seta vdown vstr s01"
seta s03 "s_volume_dB -54 ; addchatline '^2|||^1|||||||||||||||||||||||||||' ; seta vup vstr s04 ; seta vdown vstr s02"
seta s04 "s_volume_dB -52 ; addchatline '^2||||^1||||||||||||||||||||||||||' ; seta vup vstr s05 ; seta vdown vstr s03"
seta s05 "s_volume_dB -50 ; addchatline '^2|||||^1|||||||||||||||||||||||||' ; seta vup vstr s06 ; seta vdown vstr s04"
seta s06 "s_volume_dB -48 ; addchatline '^2||||||^1||||||||||||||||||||||||' ; seta vup vstr s07 ; seta vdown vstr s05"
seta s07 "s_volume_dB -46 ; addchatline '^2|||||||^1|||||||||||||||||||||||' ; seta vup vstr s08 ; seta vdown vstr s06"
seta s08 "s_volume_dB -44 ; addchatline '^2||||||||^1||||||||||||||||||||||' ; seta vup vstr s09 ; seta vdown vstr s07"
seta s09 "s_volume_dB -42 ; addchatline '^2|||||||||^1|||||||||||||||||||||' ; seta vup vstr s10 ; seta vdown vstr s08"
seta s10 "s_volume_dB -40 ; addchatline '^2||||||||||^1||||||||||||||||||||' ; seta vup vstr s11 ; seta vdown vstr s09"
seta s11 "s_volume_dB -38 ; addchatline '^2|||||||||||^1|||||||||||||||||||' ; seta vup vstr s12 ; seta vdown vstr s10"
seta s12 "s_volume_dB -36 ; addchatline '^2||||||||||||^1||||||||||||||||||' ; seta vup vstr s13 ; seta vdown vstr s11"
seta s13 "s_volume_dB -34 ; addchatline '^2|||||||||||||^1|||||||||||||||||' ; seta vup vstr s14 ; seta vdown vstr s12"
seta s14 "s_volume_dB -32 ; addchatline '^2||||||||||||||^1||||||||||||||||' ; seta vup vstr s15 ; seta vdown vstr s13"
seta s15 "s_volume_dB -30 ; addchatline '^2|||||||||||||||^1|||||||||||||||' ; seta vup vstr s16 ; seta vdown vstr s14"
seta s16 "s_volume_dB -28 ; addchatline '^2||||||||||||||||^1||||||||||||||' ; seta vup vstr s17 ; seta vdown vstr s15"
seta s17 "s_volume_dB -26 ; addchatline '^2|||||||||||||||||^1|||||||||||||' ; seta vup vstr s18 ; seta vdown vstr s16"
seta s18 "s_volume_dB -24 ; addchatline '^2||||||||||||||||||^1||||||||||||' ; seta vup vstr s19 ; seta vdown vstr s17"
seta s19 "s_volume_dB -22 ; addchatline '^2|||||||||||||||||||^1|||||||||||' ; seta vup vstr s20 ; seta vdown vstr s18"
seta s20 "s_volume_dB -20 ; addchatline '^2||||||||||||||||||||^1||||||||||' ; seta vup vstr s21 ; seta vdown vstr s19"
seta s21 "s_volume_dB -18 ; addchatline '^2|||||||||||||||||||||^1|||||||||' ; seta vup vstr s22 ; seta vdown vstr s20"	
seta s22 "s_volume_dB -16 ; addchatline '^2||||||||||||||||||||||^1||||||||' ; seta vup vstr s23 ; seta vdown vstr s21"
seta s23 "s_volume_dB -14 ; addchatline '^2|||||||||||||||||||||||^1|||||||' ; seta vup vstr s24 ; seta vdown vstr s22"
seta s24 "s_volume_dB -12 ; addchatline '^2||||||||||||||||||||||||^1||||||' ; seta vup vstr s25 ; seta vdown vstr s23"
seta s25 "s_volume_dB -10 ; addchatline '^2|||||||||||||||||||||||||^1|||||' ; seta vup vstr s26 ; seta vdown vstr s24"
seta s26 "s_volume_dB -8  ; addchatline '^2||||||||||||||||||||||||||^1||||' ; seta vup vstr s27 ; seta vdown vstr s25"
seta s27 "s_volume_dB -6  ; addchatline '^2|||||||||||||||||||||||||||^1|||' ; seta vup vstr s28 ; seta vdown vstr s26"
seta s28 "s_volume_dB -4  ; addchatline '^2||||||||||||||||||||||||||||^1||' ; seta vup vstr s29 ; seta vdown vstr s27"
seta s29 "s_volume_dB -2  ; addchatline '^2|||||||||||||||||||||||||||||^1|' ; seta vup vstr s30 ; seta vdown vstr s28"
seta s30 "s_volume_dB -0  ; addchatline '^2||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||'   ; seta vup vstr s30 ; seta vdown vstr s29"

bind "+" "vstr vup" "" "default"
bind "-" "vstr vdown" "" "default"


hmmm did you make that sound bind at the end yourself by any chance?:wink:ā€¦ looks awefully complicated

(Dthy) #26

Well, some old friend of mine who I havenā€™t pwned in ages gave it to me, I really should pwn him again sometimeā€¦ :wink:

(Kordin) #27

Fixed that for u:wink:

(r3fleX) #28

lol Kordin, if you were implying i created this bind, youā€™d be incorrectā€¦ and just slightly insulting one of the best players that has played this game. But tbf it was one of my favourite/most useful binds i have found in someone elseā€™s cfg - always got the in game volume at the right level with TS/Mumble voices.

Well if you caught up with the games that friend is playing at the moment it could be possible if you tried really hard :tongue:

(Dthy) #29

I would if I could, but I canā€™t because of my uniā€™s internet. All I can play online is games with exclusively use steam ports :frowning:

(Sverige) #30

Seriously im just kidding idiots. :slight_smile:

No i dont think i have played against you Apples :slight_smile: not what i can rember though :wink:
Well I made once a similar thread, while i was requesting a max fps config if thatā€™s what you want see:!
If you just need some general customization for having a good time on pub, see injx config template:
Itā€™s pretty usefull stuff in there.
I hope this helps!

(cloudhalo) #31

hey dthwsh quick question how many inches does it take u to do a 360 on 1 mouse turn and how many inches is ur mousematt length, width, for me mines is a qck+ mouse matt and its15 by 17in , however i do a 270 degree in 17in instead of a full 360, this is all for playin the sniper class of course since its my specialty

(Dthy) #32

If I remember correctly, it took me ~15cm for a 360 and my mousemat is 270mm x 215mm x 4mm (taken directly of manufactureā€™s website). Tbh, all this is irrelevant as each person had their own ā€œperfect sensitivityā€.

(cloudhalo) #33

alright guys time for a noob qustion, i was browsing through the forums yesterday and I was reading about bjorn an chumpā€™s aim an how they were a few of the best players. now in the forum people was askin for their cfg file so that they can improve their aim/accuracy. My question is how can the cfg file improve or assist in the improvement of ones accuracy? I always thought the cfg was for performance meaning frames per second and having useful binds, i mean i heard about the mouse cfg commands like m_yaw or m_pitch but other than that improving the aim takes a good mouse, mouse matt and practice-i believe. and if the cfg file can improve accuracy elaborate and post the cfgā€™s which can improve it. fyi i already turned off mouse precision on windows and the bob and roll motion for in-game, please forgive any mistakes i might have made in askin this question because i am a little confused about the relationship between this file cfg an oneā€™s accuracyā€¦ty

off topic here but i found a vid, rex is this u talkin and onyx who is raktok is this really him talkin as well

sorry if this is wrong

(Sverige) #34

Itā€™s simply because people are intrested in these players setup.
Possibly they didnā€™t have a config before, and so they wanted one to gain performance or visual advantages or indeed smart binds.
As well as i know this will definitely improve your aim.

(Rex) #35

Itā€™s not a bad thing that people ask for their cfg, but if they think to get on the same level by only downloading a cfg, they are just wrong.
The cfg doesnā€™t improve your aim or accuracy as such. You are right, a cfg file is there to improve performance by graphic settings, adjusting your mouse, net settings etc.
Letā€™s say it improves your aim indirectly. If you got more fps for example, itā€™s an advantages which affects your gameplay and helps you to play better.
Apart from the right hardware (mouse + pad), good aim requires also a basic skill. Of course practise will help you a lot to improve it, but a cfg wonā€™t make a top aimer out of you. :wink:

For a beginner it isnā€™t bad to take a look at good players, which setup they use, how they play, what cfg they got or which mouse sensitivity they use. However everyone should use his own settings which fit best for them, because everyone is different and settings from other people wonā€™t be always the best solution.
If you donā€™t believe me, just make the test and download the cfg of a player you like and also copy their mouse settings etc. If your aim improved by +100%, I was wrong. :wink:

By the way, turning off the bob roll effect is highly recommended. You also donā€™t need to feel bad if you got questions, feel free to ask!

[QUOTE=cloudhalo;414548]off topic here but i found a vid, rex is this u talkin and onyx who is raktok is this really him talkin as well

sorry if this is wrong[/QUOTE]

Well you just found one of the sh!ttiest casts and also the first one I did. Onyx wasnā€™t here, it were jopjop and yumyum :wink: Maybe I should delete itā€¦

(cloudhalo) #36

ā€¦lol and btw what graphic card u got when u were playin this game ?and also if i get a gtx 560 ti or just a regular 560 do u think ill hit 400 frames a second with low graphic settings? sorry if these questions seem too much its just that i want a 560 so bad but i gotta wait until my driver license comes in the mail so i can drive to the store, right now my vid card is a gts 250 xfx i get like 120-180 fps

(Kordin) #37

I dont think u will get 400 fps with a gtx 560. I am using a gtx580 and on full vanilla servers i am happy when i can play with around 250-300fpsā€¦

As i played promod, running the game with 500fps was no problem but with 24 players and alot of vehicle action on the server its not possible to get thisā€¦

(r3fleX) #38

huh how can that beā€¦ are you suggesting my old cranky ATI 5850 is equal on performance with your gtx580?.. this is awkward as iā€™ve got a 580 being delivered to my house today as an upgrade :rolleyes:

(Kordin) #39

No idea if its the game engine or if its just me missing something but i could never get more fps than that on full vanilla serversā€¦

Well we will know soon^^

(Rex) #40

I had many, but the one I play on at the moment is a GTX580. Well, I canā€™t promise if you hit 400, because your frame rate depends on the server you play, vanilla or pro, resolution you play on, your cpu and other hardware.
Though I would say go for the GTX660 or GTX660 Ti, the 500 series is already old and they are around the same price. The card you got is not a gaming card at all, so if you canā€™t afford a 600 series you can go with the GTX560 Ti. Itā€™s still a decent gaming card. :wink: