Attn Mod Teams: what do you need? suggestions thread.

(kamikazee) #41

And what tools would you suggest to do the job or are you just guessing that there must be some tools out there which allow a client without networking knowledge to monitor UDP payload counters?[/quote]I must admit that I took an educted guess, which seems to be incorrect. There sure are tools that can do more than just counting bytes, but I doubt they’ll be user-friendly for “network dummies” or that they give the desired result without processing. (You could for example capture just all packets going to the server’s port using a network sniffer. And those exist for free, eg. Wireshark.)

My main concern for “shooting down” your ideas is that it all adds a certain overhead to the engine. Especially when those features seem to be possibly implemented by external means, I wonder if they would pay off. If I’d make another guess, probably 5% of the players may actually make use of them. This statistic can never be correct as it is made up, but we can assume there will be far more players then developers.

But that’s just me. If it would be in, there’s no way to remove it from the engine. :slight_smile:

(jaybird) #42

Just because it’s there doesn’t mean the code must be executing. Like many, many things in the game and engine, cvars can server to toggle features from running or not. Indeed, the feature would be quite handy as pointed out.

(Sir. AAK625) #43

I second that.

Please and thank you.

(TNR360) #44

GTK style Editor

I’m a mapper though :lol:

(vbl) #45

I don’t have a suggestion regarding what mod teams need, but I do have one regarding how to use what mod teams do.

Quick 'n Dirty:
Create a framework whereby modders can create content (maps, weapons, vehicles), get it certified by you guys, and then inserted into the core game alongside the original content.

Long 'n Wordy:
We’ve been debating the (lack of) wisdom in how DICE handles booster packs for the BF games. Looking at BF2, the two booster packs (and expansion, for that matter) fragmented the community into smaller and smaller bits with each release.

For example, if 33% of the community purchased a booster, then those players either a) play on a server with mixed maps (some from regular BF2, some from the booster) and watch 66% of their friends get kicked when the new maps (that the 66% don’t own) roll around, or b) play on a server running only booster maps (resulting in boredom pretty fast).

I’m not sure how you guys intend to handle additional content in ETQW, but as I was thinking through the DICE problems and reading the news blurb about your solicitation of ideas from the mod community, I had a light bulb.

Though player-sourced content is nothing new (Second Life), there hasn’t been an FPS that’s leveraged the community’s mod resources to extend the core game’s value. This is ironic for many reasons, but the most notable of which is that FPS mods were some of the first, and FPS modders are some of the most prolific content creators.

I’m positive that many modders will want to create their own unique gameplay, and that’s fine. But I really hope that SD seriously considers leveraging the talented modders out there to enrich the depth of the game experience for everybody - not just the small fragment of players who try a given mod.

(gemanix) #46

I would like to see client side statistics and obituaries to be guaranteed network traffic, ie not UDP.
In WolfET any blip in internet can cause an obituary to go missing, upsetting post-match stats parsers.

Also like an option to see obituaries with unique weapon codes.

(ayatollah) #47

Why can’t people play W:ET and see the amazing community created for people by mappers/modders. There will be an open framework for anybody to play any map/mod at any time they wish. If SD do release “booster packs” as in map packs, I have a sneaking suspicion that it might be free. Or they may just avoid making maps and let the community make them, á la W:ET, which will be freely available to everyone.

As has been said time and time again SD were formed from a team of modders and they are not going to screw over people trying to be just like them in the early days. Have faith and all will be revealed.

(HackerX4) #48

1.) Animation/Exporting support for 3DS Max 7 and above.
2.) Animation/Exporting support for Most Maya Programs.
3.) Animation Support for MotionBuilder 6 and above :wink:
4.) A editor where you can realtime see your work as it would appear ingame.
5.) Your support for mod teams.
6.) Some good startup tutorials, video or document.

Animation Support is good… :slight_smile:

(MuffinMan) #49

I think well structured code with useful comments and a decent documentation + forum is all I need and is probably already the case

apart from that I really like the official / featured map-pack idea (as already discussed for w:et)

(tp) #50

Use an image file format that stores Z-depth informations when capturing with the avidemo system, besides the classical TGA files (look at OpenEXR for example).

Z-depth storage in frames captured could improve so much the video making universe with many other perspectives of editing.

(jaybird) #51

gemanix, that’s a game feature and is off-topic.

(liqorice) #52

I want to be able to use the Gigatexture feature. guidelines, support and FAQS concerning the Gigatexture will be appreaciated :smiley:

(Sir. Darth_Master) #53

What are gigatextures :shock:


(ayatollah) #54

Maybe MegaTextures…

(Nail) #55

ya but rilly big uns

(Sir. Darth_Master) #56

I know

Also i want to be able to make lifts for vehicles :o

(jaybird) #57

Any chance we can stay on topic here? There are plenty of features request threads in this forum.

(Red Emperor) #58

Totally agree on this one . I’d like to see the days of custom skins,models and animations not be a nightmare to import into a game come back . It’s pretty straight forward actually . The wiki idea works best . Just have sections that explain how to do things and let the community help to expand on it . I mean it takes a bit on the devs part but if someone wants to import a new models just write a doc " here is how you import a custom models , here is how you import custom animation, here is how you import custom guns that work with the hands "…etc etc

Documentation and dev support would put you vastly past what any other developer is doing right now except maybe Bioware and Bethesda with Oblivion. Most importantly don’t make everyone wait for months for this to get rolling after the game is released . Even good supportive game developers like Crytek and ID…etc have taken a long time after the product is released to get the sdk out and the editors out . I mean people are excited about modding when the game comes out only the most hardcore stick around 3-6 months after release for dev support and by the time they are able to get a good mod together nobody cares about the game anymore they have moved on in a lot of cases .

(TheShniz) #59

The ability to import is a biggie for me, but also terrain generation… I’ve admittedly not mapped for D3/Q4, but did very-much so for Wolf:ET, and I’d like to resume again with ET:QW. SOooooooooo… I’m REALLY hoping there’s something similar to EasyGen that will make use of Height Maps.

In rekindling some favorite Wolf:ET maps under a new Quake banner, I also wonder if there’s yet been any progress towards a ‘good’ .map importer. Would definately speed things along…

1.) Import/Export to 3DS
2.) EasyGen Equivalent Height Maps
3.) Q3A .map Import

Pleaz excuse my ignorance,

  • TheShniz

(iwound) #60
  • no matter