Attn Mod Teams: what do you need? suggestions thread.

(kamikazee) #181

Well, some kind of “support” of getting them to run on wine would be nice (I thought it has been done for ET:QW).

(tokamak) #182

[QUOTE=mortis;151656]Unreal Tournament included a log-on news page with information about new patches, mods and maps, I found that to be useful.

Epic Games also released fan-created booster packs - I’d like to see an “out of game” update tool that can be launched seperately, hangs out in my system tray, and works as a P2P booster pack downloader that exchanges map packs / mods / skin packs / etc that I have identified for download out-of-game. When I go to bed I can turn it on and miraculously have all the megatextures in the morning. Perhaps a “developers library” can be set up allowing you to select from various custom megatextures, for instance.

I’d like a “default load out” setting so that only default/official packages will be loaded…aka I won’t get the grinch skins when I’m trying to watch a demo or do some devmap work. Or possibly provide a way to identify to the game which pak files to load.

Some versions of UT2k4 shipped with a DVD video tutorial for unrealed…great for teh nubs. A picture is worth a thousand words, and if there were some short “your first room”, “your first vehicle” and a “your first script” videos, it would certainly help.

Sample .map files. Please include more than one, or at least one that uses all or almost all the entities that the game ships with, so that working examples can be seen and manipulated. It is much easier to analyze a working example than to follow instructions, sometimes.

Custom map scripts (like etpromapscripts are to Wolfy). Noone loves custom map scripts more than me. The ability to spawn in or remove entities and brushes is so useful in terms of debugging, removing exploits and honing maps for competition.[/QUOTE]

The Unreal editor is overall much easier to grasp and simpler to make maps in (less actions required for the same result). I learned myself mapping when I was 11 years old (Woa, my favourite site back then is even still online here) on the UnrealEd but I still don’t understand the WorldEditor of QW while I spent much more time at trying to understand it.

The entire ‘Carve holes in a solid mass’ is much easier to understand then ‘build walls to hold the water’. It’s nearly impossible to create leaks in an UT map.

The textures were also organised in an amazing way. Basic all-round textures where mapped together and even then ordered under subsections like ‘wall’ ‘ceilling’ ‘floor’ ‘pillar’ etc.

I would also really appreciate it if the Brink Editor was easily compactible with programs like Google Sketchup. Those are programs I can really do anything I want without being restrained in any way.

I would really take my cue from Epic when it comes to fostering for the mapping community as well .

Also. Make everything ranked, but give the players the option to differentiate between official and custom maps. UT2k4 had the toggle option right there integrated in the server browser, Epic clearly saw it as the most important filter.

Anyway, I’m not sure how feasible my suggestions are. I’ve devoted quite some time to understand IdTech but it’s just quantum Physics compared to the Unreal Engine. I ended up learning much more about Blender, Sketchup and terrain sculpting than Radiant editors. Quite a shame.