atmosphere problem

(kilL_888) #1


ive got a tiny problem. when i add an atmosphere to a map it displays properly in the editor. i have shadows, skybox and correct (color) lightning. even without the atmosphere entity.

when i compile the map (with atmosphere entity) and start it ingame, i have the skybox, but no shadows and no (only default white) lightning color.

gets kind of annoying that my maps look different in editor than ingame. hope someone can help me.


(.Chris.) #2

You need an ‘indoor’ area.

Create a small room under your map with caulk or so and use the outside portal on the exit facing outwards.

(Donnovan) #3

“under your map” but not outside of the caulk hull. In true you can put it anywere, buit it need to be inside your caulk hull.

This link can also help, its more specific:

(kilL_888) #4

thanks. that will do. i was afraid it was some sort of bug.