Signups are now open. To sign up just send me a pm with your team’s name, players, and captain. Only players on team rosters will be able to participate in matches.
I updated the config to only allow 2 heavy weapons, and restrict it to one rocket launcher/oblit per team instead of the 2 in the previous config. The config can be found here.
If anybody has any concerns about anything just let me know.
Weapon Restrictions
* 1 GPMG/Hyperblaster
* 1 Rocket Launcher/Obliterator
* 1 Sniper Rifle/Railgun
* 2 Grenades per Player
Deployable Restrictions
* One of each type of artillery deployable allowed per team.
* One of each type of defensive (AVT, APT, AIT) deployable allowed per team.
Vehicle Restrictions
* One medium vehicle (Trojan//Hog) allowed per team.
* One heavy vehicle (Titan/Desecrator/Cyclops) allowed per team.
* No heavys on last objective.
* Vehicles ARE allowed indoors.
Map Pool
* fastVolcano, fastRefinery, Maridia, fastSalvage, Sewer, Island, Area22, Ark, Radar
Other Restrictions
* Supply Crates are allowed.
* Fliers are disallowed.
* Radar is disallowed.
* Third Eye Camera IS allowed.
* ETQW Pro mod version 1.0b/c is required for all matches.
* Door blocking IS allowed
* All matches must be played using the current version of the asdf config. Team captians will be notified upon config updates.
Match Scheduling
The asdf Quick Cup is a single elimination tourney with no losers bracket. The date of the first round matches will be picked by an admin, and team captians will be responsible for setting up a time both teams can play. After the first round, the winning team’s captain will have 2 days to schedule their next matches. This will continue until the finals in which an admin will pick the time and day that both teams are able to make it. Before the finals if a team is unable to schedule their match by the given time, an admin will step in and set the time and date. Failure to show up on time for any matches at their scheduled times will result in that teams forfiet.
Questions, Comments, Concerns
I will gladly answer any questions asked, and will address any comments and concerns as well, so do please feel free to speak up.