Hi All - Im an old ET player, part of VPL clan from Ireland who were pretty active on the forum here and UK servers back when ET was at its peak.
We still get together once a year at a LAN to play and have one coming up on Saturday August 5th. Hoping to be playing ET on 6 machines connected to the net from 3pm BST- late!
We did it last year and found a server with some humans but by midnight, everywhere was empty and we were blasting bots. The drunken friends didn’t even realize!
Are there any servers that are popular? I’ve installed ET legacy which is a nice program. All i could find on Saturday afternoon was BBA clan had 4 players with bots. everywhere is is bots bots bots
I was thinking of maybe even renting a server and naming it ‘AUGUST 5th LAN PARTY, NO BOTS’ lol and seeing if we get any action.
I can remember the names of the old Nigh****ch pals we used to play with, Salteh?
Some old names long gone into the mist will be there: fattakin, cocoFSTAR, Errol Flynn, Gringo, Papa Lasarou, CHIN, Elder Newbie