Any plans on ending nader spam?

(HadronZodiac) #1

Dont u just love it when the enemy team has 4 naders, spamming their nades at u from 4 miles away and u cant do anything cuz no one knew it would happen so u didnt bring guardian so u and your team just constantly die because theres no counter to 5 nades flying around with high blast radius and damage and one shot capabilities and only 6 second cooldown per nade?

(HELGA_bunga) #2

i have a deep hate for explosive spam, hence why i now always have guardian in my squad, but thats fine for me cause i love her playstyle anyway

(ASD) #3

FF on…


All will be well when she’s out of weekly rotation. Then you’ll only have this Nader main to deal with.
:facepunch: :de: :beers:

Seriously though, I think she’s in fine spot in this game now. The additions of Guardian and Turtle have definitely helped balance the odds. After all this time, I’m really tempted to throw together some of my own videos on how to easily counter her. Spam is annoying, but I assure you the spammers are the easiest Naders to put down. The ones who save their 'nades for equipment, the EV, holding choke points, taking down Aura stations, flushing out enemies from around a corner, and hitting Mercs on the run accurately are the Nader players you’ve gotta watch out for.

Side note, this thread inspired me to change my profile picture. Figure I was about due for a new one anyways. :sunglasses:

(Your worst knifemare.) #5

Play Guardy

(Eox) #6

This is an issue with merc stacking. Try playing on a community server enabling rules against merc stacking, or play in an FF on server where those kind of strategies would be harder to pull off.

(HadronZodiac) #7

I typically do too, but the second u drop guardian out to have a lil fun with your cobalts, you get merc spammed…

I MOSTLY agree with this, but imo you shouldnt need a specific (and expensive) someone just to not get as spammed and decimated as hard (Also, i own guardian but not turtle, hes not that fun to me).

Ill try it out to see if i can get some relief

(Press E) #8

As someone who mains all the easy prey squishy mercs for nader as well as nader herself, she’s really not much of a problem.
Her grenades are pretty easy to avoid since they don’t have a big AoE and have a relatively long fuse time, and there are only a few tight spaces in the game where you can’t just longjump away. But at that point you should just expect to be pelted with grenades. She’s also very vulnerable while shooting her grenades, shooting all of them at once basically means she’s standing in one spot for a solid 3 or 4 seconds

Not to mention her grenade launcher is also her only practical ability, so it’s not really that bad if it’s decent. All the other explosive mercs have something else going for them, whether they’re good weapons like Fragger or other abilities like Jav or Fletcher.

TL;DR you don’t need to stop the grenades, just avoid them. If a nader manages to trap you in a corner or score a direct hit when you’re flying away, they deserve the kill. Once you get used to her she’s fine, try playing her a bit, you’ll pick up on easy ways to take her down

And as @Eox said, she’s only really bad in stacks, and what merc isn’t honestly.

(FireWorks) #9

Bring Phoenix. Best to restore the little chip damage of multiple targets

(Mr.Cuddlesworth) #10

sound like you need a cobalt Guardian then

(HadronZodiac) #11

I was gonna craft one but decided to get a cobalt pheonix instead

60-80 damage per grenade isnt a little chip imo

(Meetrock) #12

Bullshit, Nader’s nades do nothing to the EV compared to Javelin’s rocket. I agree on using them to destroy secondary objectives too, and using the nades to hold enemies is also a good player does.

(Meetrock) #13

I totally agree you with you. I actually used to hate her a lot when I started the game. Then I decided I should try playing her, she’s so dope. I actually love her abilities, because they can be used defensively too. Best example is when you plant the bomb in Underground in the medbay, you can hide behind the crate near the South Door and throw nades when you see enemies, they usually back off a little bit, leaving extra time for your teammates to catch on, or you can actually stack 5 nades, spam the shit out of them to protect the c4 (I usually get 3 to 4 consecutive kills when the c4 is almost detonated, because people forget there is a nader nearby while trying to defuse).

(Muddy Muddy Mud Nade) #14

Just another reason we need merc stack limits. I’d say two of the same mercs max, but I understand that that could mess with brand new players in 7v7 servers. Maybe turn merc limit off, allowing them to play Aura, Skyhammer, or Bushwhacker even if the slots for all of those mercs have been filled, until they unlock a new merc.
I guess there could always be the possibility of all the slots being filled for any player, should they have a squad that possesses mercs that are already filled, but it’s pretty unlikely. Even then, the game could just autoswap a player to a different merc, or autoswap one of that unlucky player’s squad members to a merc that can actually be used.

(Press E) #15

For a direct hit lol. Considering how slow grenades move and how fast mercs move, plus the fact that grenades don’t explode if they hit you at a close range, they’re very easy to avoid. Just jump out of the way when one lands next to you as you would a mine, realistically the worst that should happen to you is you’ll lose 30 or 40 HP from AoE, if any.
Like I said in my other post, if you let yourself get cornered by grenades and blown up by the AoE, or a grenade hits you in the face from across the map, that nader deserved the kill

(HadronZodiac) #16

Yeah but… remember… 4 naders…
thats like… 24 grenades around you…

(Press E) #17

Still not really a problem with nader herself though, it’s a problem with merc stacks. All merc stacks are painful, just look what happens when a team has 4 auras, 4 rhinos, 4 arties, etc.

Nader is a pretty fun merc to play though, so every time she goes on freerotation she’s a hot pick. Just one more reason to use player specific merc rotations, or make them daily rather than weekly.

(K1X455) #18

Nothing’s wrong with Nader (except she’s a tad slow for being the fastest moving assault class merc).

Something is wrong with the other team dealing with Nader.

(Jigstraw) #19

I wonder how nader would play if she could only stockpile 3 nades at once, but they were on 5 second cooldowns each instead of 7. It would technically be less “spam” but more nades, as currently she gets 5 nades over the course of 35 seconds, but on a 5s coldown with a cap at 3, she’d get 7 every 35 seconds

unless i’m wrong about nades being on a 7s cooldown, that is. i don’t play much nader, can anyone confirm?

(Press E) #20

Having a longer cooldown on grenades encourages you to use other weapons besides the grenade launcher. And considering how many new fletcher players almost exclusively try to use stickies, I can definitely see the same happening to nader if she had a shorter cooldown.

Not to mention the stockpile helps set her apart from mercs like fletcher or fragger. Being able to spam an area with grenades is part of her draw