Any chance this game becoming free to play?

(noobst3R) #1

Maybe next month, maybe in 2 years, who knows? But is there any chance?

I played the demo, and it was more confusing than fun, but if it’s free, i’d play it.

(murka) #2

5€ is pretty much free…

(noobst3R) #3

Yeah, but it involves me in taking a 40°C bus ride for half an hour, filled with hobo’s.

(murka) #4

No, you can order form online stores and have them deliver for like 10€.

(light_sh4v0r) #5

Well you could of course wait till next week, temperature should be down to a modest 25 by then :slight_smile:

(Kl3ppy) #6

There is a chance. Me xD and im not for free :stuck_out_tongue: only for shoooggggey :wink:

(light_sh4v0r) #7

Oh you are free, it just takes a few headshots :slight_smile:

(noobst3R) #8

Haven’t been on a Belgian bus have you? :stuck_out_tongue: They somehow manage to double the inside temp in the summer, and half the temp in the winter. :stuck_out_tongue:

(noobst3R) #9

Well yeah, that’d be the case if had 10€ on anything that i can pay online with. I mostly have cash.

(light_sh4v0r) #10

You don’t have €10 on your bank account for iDeal? :o

(AnthonyDa) #11

Basically, you are only playing free games ? And you never go out of your house ? That’s soooo sad :frowning:

(Szakalot) #12

and no, this game, owned by activision mind you, won’t be any more free than any other game owned by activision.

W:ET doesn’t count, as it never was a retail product.

(light_sh4v0r) #13

Is W:ET owned by activision?

(Ashog) #14

True zät :slight_smile:

(ED209) #15

So this untapped market of people who will only play this game if it is free will… do… what…?

Probably play on ranked servers and wonder where the expansion pack is…

W:ET is free and great and all. I played ET:QW and will play Brink cause I like what SD has been doing

(noobst3R) #16

Lol no, i play lots of different games, and i do go out. I go skate with my friends everyday. I get drunk at parties and waste money on cheap beer that makes you feel even sicker in the morning, just like normal people do. :stuck_out_tongue:

Maybe this should get moved to the spam cave now… :stroggtapir:

(Ashog) #17

[quote=noobst3R;232617]Lol no, i play lots of different games, and i do go out. I go skate with my friends everyday. I get drunk at parties and waste money on cheap beer that makes you feel even sicker in the morning, just like normal people do. :stuck_out_tongue:

Maybe this should get moved to the spam cave now… :stroggtapir:[/quote]

I don’t drink cheep beer. Why would I?

(Szakalot) #18

Its cheap, you know…

Cheaper beer = more beer for any given amount of money.

(noobst3R) #19

I didn’t answer a question you asked.

Indeed, where i go, i can get double the amount of beer for the same price if get the cheap beer. :stroggbanana:

(Ashog) #20

Quality > Quantity for me. If I want to get drunk I drink wine or vodka or rum.

Why would I suffer for 10-15 minutes several times trying to sip from a glass of something bad when I come to a pub to spend a nice evening?

It’s gotta be a tap beer, and a nice one. Majority of Finnish beer is crap here, so I go for Brit ales (cost 6-10 euro a pint).