From other posts I understand that the player models with be md5 meshes and that the multilayer skeleton rig will ship with the SDK. My question is more of a modeling concern that we’ve come upon.
Will kits and soldiers be separate meshes? This may sound like a strange question but for bf2 all the kits were separate meshes that were rigged onto the player model mesh in game depending on the type of kit the player had chosen. Now this simplified things slightly since there really were only 2 player models per team (one heavy and one light).
Will it be similar with QW:ET or will the kit have a completely unique md5? Either way is fine i actually would prefer that each kit be a model in itself that way testing and animating the full kit is far easier since everything could be done in Maya or Max. Since we have so many models done we would definitely like to get our basic player models on the go and this information is essential for us to continue to do them.
Finally, a little offtopic but is there a chance we can get some poly count guidelines, or some sample poly counts on particular vehicles? Our models (vehicles) are currently between 6000-7000 poly’s which for some other engines might be a little much. Thanks again.