All current ET mapping projects

(unf4z3d) #401

Map im making… current working title is Airbase.

due to 8 image limit ill leave it at this, untill I add a bit to the interiors

I have a decided map plan, but it might change a lot, as im contemplating wether to make the map pro or pub

(shagileo) #402

Looking nice and promising, but I hope you’re going to change the map ‘surroundings’ and not keep it a wall.

And what’s that black mark on the wall behind your ladder in the last picture?

Anyhow, keep it up!

EDIT: oh now I noticed most of the buildings are taken from Fueldump :tongue:
but meh …

(unf4z3d) #403

The wall thing I might change, but the map shoudl be flaat and i dont want to have to add too many terrain pieces with clipping where you wouldn’t expect it…

also, none of the building are taken from feuldump, I only used the roof pieces from seawall, because they are cut up nicely.

the black mark has something to do with my lighting

(aaa3) #404

on the dilemma should it be pro or pub; many of the comp maps are played on pubs for great fun, and most of the pub maps are unplayed on comps - with careful planning u can make a comp-capable map, this wont mean it will be played on comps, most likely if it will be played at all it will be still on pubs - but at least the possibility in theory will exist.

(unf4z3d) #405

Its just that my objectives would possibly have to change cause tanks dont usually work too well in comp maps…

My current plan is that after the generator is destroyed the tank that was previously raised up and unaccesible is lowered, and the allies can steal it.

They then drive it around the secodn building, and destroy the airplane feul tanks.

But, regardless, I will probably have to change this as there is not enough cover for a proper tank run in the map

(aaa3) #406

well if ya have the tank u r right; but… hm… lets change my opinion to the opposite - leave it for pub then! :smiley: if u lurk enough on this forums and become familiar with some of the old threads u can see that mapping for comppers are an almost futile attempt, they wont play it anyway no matter what u do [slight exxaggeration, they are actually playing some customs a lot], so then aim for pub! i still keep my prev opinion tho if from the beginning one can design a map in such way then do it regardless. depends on the basic gameplay idea itself. retrospectively making a big change - if the idea is already established and its inherently comp-unfriendly - just for them, no :slight_smile:

p.s. well we can call supplydepot a comp map. and on it there is an escortabnle truck - its more or less a tank just as a tank is more or less a truck xD! so yet again 180° turn, u r wrong .p tanks are possible

(unf4z3d) #407

true, but i think ill drop the tank run neways, as it would be awkward :slight_smile:

also adding an underground way… the underground allied spawn will have 4 exits, 3 come up near the front of the building, and one will come to a dynomiteable door, whihc when destroyed gives allies easier acces to first building

(unf4z3d) #408

if anyone is interested, i have 76 ss of my map on a photobucket account:

(Pegazus) #409

[quote=unf4z3d;189506]if anyone is interested, i have 76 ss of my map on a photobucket account:[/quote]

Nice looking, i love airport maps :wink: For a good reason

One question though, will that Opel Truck float like that? I noticed it on one of the images.

(unf4z3d) #410

no, thats the ruck that you drive around… I t gets lowered too, but i havent made the spline path yet

ill post the updated map plan here:

The allies spawn in an underground room with 2 or 3 above groudn exits, and one path that goes deeper underground whihc comes upon a dynomiteable door.

The axis first spawn is a capturable spawn in a room right beside the generator, so just like in oasis, when its captured, it becomes herder (but not impossible) for axis to defend generator.

If the allies have the generattor captured axis will spawn in a different underground room, and run through to exits to come back above ground, until the generator is destroyed and truck is captured…

the truck will be like in bremen where it only can move after a different objective has been completed, which is why its raised off the ground. (also non-destructible probably)

The axis are then forced back to their third (and possibly final) spawn, in one of the barracks. The allies mission after that is to transport the truck wired with explosives to the feul tanks and blow them up…

I think i might make the explosives on the truck require something from the underground, possibly some kind of keycard or device.

progress update:

I have 2 above groudn exits out of the allies spawn, planning out last one, and also plotting out the second exit from axis underground spawn XD

Will post more ss on the photobucket in a few days :slight_smile:

also, ne suggestions to the plan or geometry are greatly appreciated :stuck_out_tongue:

(aaa3) #411

my suggestiuon is to dont use 70is scvreenies when there are 4-5 consecutive ones which are 95% the same; u could illustrate any map with as few as 10 screens…

(IndyJones) #412

very true.
i took 26 screens of italyfp1, and none of them are repeatative…

(Qualmi) #413


for a whole



[RIGHT]Operation Sunrise:
In games this summer!![/RIGHT]

(IndyJones) #414

are you insane? 3-4 mb PNG file?

(kamikazee) #415

[QUOTE=IndyJones;189594]are you insane? 3-4 mb PNG file?[/QUOTE]My Internet connection just died a little.

(Pegazus) #416

Nothing serious for me, loaded relatively fast.
But it should have been a light compile :slight_smile:

(Qualmi) #417

didnt work on lights yet. the map is now about 5 days old, still a lot to do. also dont bother about the texturefaults all over the place :D, its all in progress. lowpolybrushes and sizes are fixed to 50%, the half of the map is standing in its groundshape. the other half is pretty exactly in my head. it was born yesterday night =) ill keep you up to date. its gonna be a comp map, but as mentioned, i fear it wont be good enough for them…exactly as my previous map, dm_metro_te. its out there, but none of them “pros” really cares, pff…anyways ill keep you up to date :slight_smile:

(Qualmi) #418


(aaa3) #419

i did this during 1 night, its a higher-midpoly 10,5cm FlaK 38 (you would call it low poly but for me its almost an high poly one, lol) (its an only 25% final stage; scales are totally off! and stuff are missing/not cut/etc); will make the 12,8cm FlaK 40 too, along with a hell lot of other stuff (eg. a lot of common/iconic/famous soviet artillery pieces form the well known wwii photographs, + other stuff like the 7,5cm PaK 40, 8,8cm FlaK 41 (not the same as the more well known 8,8cm FlaK 36/37!), 7,5cm leIG 18, etc), along with the first release of the map im now making i will make public these (and my planes (C-69, He 177, Ju 2/390) and other vehicles (hm… stuff :stuck_out_tongue: lazy to make a complete list)) too under cc-by.
(on the pics, the green and yellow ones in the background are not by me)

(Pegazus) #420

I hope you drew/wrote down your last phase of the map, as it is easy to forget what you had planned. Has happened alot of times to me lol

Sweet brushwork aaa3 Looks good, show us more.