All current ET mapping projects

(]UBC[ McNite) #261

I m working on TheRiver II Redux these days… its an improved version of The River II with tighter and tougher gameplay. Main changes are fog for the map and a re-worked first stage that gives allies even more advantage in the fight about the Tram station. The map is for SW mainly, and offense biased.

Its not quite clear yet whether we ll tune the map for pubbing or competition… we need more playtest to find out about the competitive potential. On the other hand… gadgets fun and good for pubbing shouldn’t be bad for fast SW gaming… else they shouldn’t be in a SW map at all.

Currently we are playtesting a lot, and working on tons of details to make the map look better (interior, lighting, buildings). Biggest workloads not done yet is the new terrain.

For details check this thread

If you are a competitive player and interested in taking part in private playtests or 6on6 test plz let me know (pm in this forum).

(d3coy) #262

This is a map ive been working on. I have now named it ETCENTER. (with permission to do so)

(.Chris.) #263

After a weeks work on this new wolken map i thought id let people know what this one is all about so here it goes:

Title: Wolken4 (needs subtitle)

To the horror of the Allied forces the Axis have managed to construct a monster sized cannon in the same vain as the Dora railgun back on Earth, only difference is that this new weapon named wolkekanone runs on tank style treds rather than rail track.
A test fire of this weapon is due later tonight if succesfull it wont be long till the tred system is operational and the weapon deployed on the battlefield. Allies must knock out this weapon before the test fire to avoid certain doom.


For all shots head on over to the wolken4 webpage

(kamikazee) #264

Is this map made by decompiling the original levels and ‘stealing’ bits here and there? (well, some models and parts really seem familiar to me :D)
The other Wolken meeps allways had this blend of desert and snow, but this one seems a poor one to me, at least using the appeal from oasis and railgun.

You allso say you worked a week on it. Well, there’s a thread going on about what’s a good map, and most mappers say it takes maybe a few weeks at least. The community wants quality, not quantity, unless you got some exceptional concept which must be brought out to the world without further delay. (ok, this is doubtable)

Maybe you need to re-do this map from scratch and take your time to make this a great map. Don’t let this ruin the ‘Wolken’ concept.

(dime1622) #265

hmmmmmm a little harsh there? he didnt say hes completed.

(kamikazee) #266

Well, most of the buildings are there. Maybe he doesn’t need to re-do the map completely, but I would at least get the ‘ripped’ parts out and brainstrom about something to replace it.

These buildings really seem ripped, including something Dora-like. If I’m wrong, please explain me why it looks like it’s taken from the original maps.

(.Chris.) #267

the cannon is edited from the railgun one yes maybe a bad thing to do but wanted to give it that kind of style, as for oasis style buldings i actually made them and intentionally to look like the garrsion area of the oasis map and dime is correct, its no where near finished, theres still the snow section to do and half the desert half to do still, that i promiss will be totally original work. it be some times till this will be playable all i wanted was to show how things going :smiley:

(kamikazee) #268

My apologies for being a little bit too offensive, I just wanted to make clear that it would be bad for your map if you kept the buildings and gun in exactly the same way they are now. I thought this was about an alpha or beta map due to the way you presented it. My fault.
If you rebuilt the oasis buildings instead of decompile them: you did your job too good, msking me believe you actually copied them from the bsp. :smiley:
Maybe you can change the little brushes on the top or something else to give it a more personal touch.

And instead of rebuilding the gun from scratch, you could aswell replace ‘Dora’ with something else, a flamethrower tank for example. But that’s up to you. :wink:

I’ve seen my mistake, you have seen yours.


(d3coy) #269

Maybe because its using the same concept. As for the models looking the same… maybe thats because it CAME WITH THE GAME??? Just a thought.

As for your timeline on making a map, ETCENTER was made in less than 3 weeks and only lacks about 5 hours work on it. Mappers work at different paces, so your numbers will be very scattered on how long it takes.

Providing feedback is good, providing stupid comments and accusing someone of ripping of other work is kinda childish. No matter if he took something from another map or not, does not mean its not a new idea… in all actuality, alot of the equipment during ww2 was used all over the place, so dont expect to only see collapsable radars on the radar map, or the Dora in railgun.

People who play enjoy seeing new things, but seeing some classic pieces they remember tends to ease the difficulty of playing new maps.

nice work Chris.

(kamikazee) #270

Ok, I was wrong and it was a mistake of mine. I thought the map was in a beta stage and was going to be released soon, I misread it at that part.
Hey, I offered my apologies in my previous post, I’m not going to repeat myself over again, it was posted in a hurry and a mistake of mine. Period.

BTW: Dora is not a model, it’s made out of brushes 'n curves. I once looked at it without copying it. But that’s offtopic.

(kamikazee) #271

Mapname: ET Headshot 2 Beta (sson to be released, probably next weekend)
Author: Kamikazee, Gerbil (original RTCW map, not related otherwise, I got permission from him)

Map description:
It’s just a practice arena, but it features a score system to keep track of who’s winning. The arena itself is customisable, but to avoid too much trouble of teams arguing about the setup, only the losing team can change these. Of course, this could be changed in a later release if it’s that much of a nuisance but I think it’s a nice twist.

Current screenshots:
-A look on the arena
The next 2 are taken from crouch position, so don’t think the switches are that high above the player:
-Allies are winning, so the switches are locked
-Axis can change the layout here (blanked names since we weren’t playing fair)

([Cerberus]) #272

I dont see you Bitching to Marko about El Kef, why dont you? If you dont know what i mean look a little closer to the map.

P.s. I love you Marko!!! :smiley:

(Yojo) #273

Well atm , i am working on my first map: Hamster_arena !!

I am working a month on it, and i didn’t make a lot of progress :stuck_out_tongue:

But, i believe i will reach it !!

(Outlawstar15a2) #274

Hey Hummer did you create a KungFu Grip for ET and if not are you planning on doing it I think that would be so cool because it was a very unique map.

(Massive) #275

I’ve been working on a map - Le Mont St Michel. This is now nearly ready for some play testing / alpha release kinda stage.

Brief Plot & Main Objectives
Allies must infiltrate Le Mont St Michel & Steel the Axis Defence Plan for Normandy. There is a gun boat waiting on the far side of the island which provides the escape route. The allies should take the church, establishing a command post then blow the abbey doors, which will give them a strong position from which to steal the plans. There is an alternative way to infiltrate the abbey & once done, a rope can be lowered to allow other team members in. The Axis need to stop all of this.

Latest screenies can be seen here -

I’ll post some more interesting bits & pieces as things develop.


(CyburK) #276


long time no mapping. now im back and working on this baby. dont know the name so far. by now its radar_raid.a pretty basic mission. allies have to break into an old castle and steal a radar prototype and escape with a truck.

both tower walls must be breached on the outer side
the command post in the north tower enables forward spawn for allies/axis

in the south tower is a crank wich opens the castle gate so allies can escape with the truck

beta should be done about christmas…


(asw) #277

Nice work CyburK

That´s remenber me a little at RTCW SP

Greetz from good old Germay


(Chain-iT) #278

My ET project is converting the map xlabs from the rtcw single player to et , it’s really a great lab, i guess screenies will be up pretty soon

(]UBC[ McNite) #279

Current project is: Warbell.

Check the basic info and first screenies here

(pakalatak) #280


I also made a map. a “symetric objective” one. The goal for each team is to fill up a beer dump…

The home page is

the page on splash is :

Thanks for this forum,