Add shuffle limit already!

(GatoCommodore) #1

fuggen hell m8

its so frustrating playing as defender.
You get shuffled a lot of times because attacker is incompetent and cant plant or repair EV.
put in shuffle limit like 1 or 2 per match, people are using it as an “I Win” button.
Hell, its even worse than javelin ability!

(Mc1412013) #2

Had 4 vote shuffles and 2 restart matches the other day. Lost 4k xp from that restart

(kittz0r) #3

They should be remove completely since they just shuffle the Top Scorers, also not fun to Plant/Repair EV and do all the things just to be shuffled at the End.

Most of the Times Attackers don’t even have an Engineer or know how to walk forward, but they know how to spam Shuffles and Restarts for some Reason…

(Press E) #4

Idk what matches ya’ll have been in because I’ve only had more than 2 shuffles pass once, and everyone in that server was just messing around and having fun anyways.

Vote shuffles rarely ever pass too, and when they do they’ve almost always been necessary. Yeah sure, shuffles are annoying, and you can argue that “they suck so they deserve to get spawncamped”, but come on, in a pub the point is for everyone to have fun, not to just wipe the floor with the other team. Spawn camping isn’t even fun either, so idk why some people still refuse to shuffle when it happens. If a new player doesn’t know the game well, it’s not their fault, and they shouldn’t be punished with a spawncamp because of it. Because that’s how you end up with entire teams just leaving. So yeah, shuffles are still important no matter how annoying they are.

That said, even though I haven’t seen more than 2 shuffles in a single match one time, a limit for the rare times it does happen wouldn’t be that bad.
Sometimes people do leave and join in after a shuffle though, so sometimes 2 shuffles aren’t the end of the world. Hell, sometimes DB shuffles all the good players onto one team too, so a reshuffle is needed. Limiting it to 1 shuffle per match would be a bit much. 2 or 3 is more practical

(kittz0r) #5

Like i said, most of the Times the Attackers spam Shuffle, then they don’t even have an Engineer to begin with, so why Shuffle when they apparently don’t even care to repair or plant? then we get the Special Players who just joined and instantly Vote Shuffle for no Reason.

Also how is Shuffle important when it just shuffles the 1 Guy basically destroying a Team to the other Team, so now he is destroying the other Team, shuffle doesn’t do crap and never will.

I could make a Montage of 30 Minutes of my 1 Week of 2-3 Hours Streams just for shuffling or restarts.

Today i spent more time switching Teams and then destroy the Enemy Team, no fun either way.

(GatoCommodore) #6

Basically “I Win” button for people who dont want to get good and only want to enjoy others hard work. Kinda like communists.

(Mr.Cuddlesworth) #7

(Press E) #8

Like I said, it’s a game, everyone is supposed to have fun. A new player shouldn’t be punished just because they’re not experienced with the game enough to fight against a wall of high level players.

Yeah, shuffles are still annoying and they’re not always necessary, but I almost never see a shuffle pass when it wasn’t actually needed. Idk why they get so many complaints, because they don’t pass often even when they are needed, and even then what would you rather, just remove shuffles? Because being spawncamped isn’t enjoyable at all, and it’s a good way to kill your own game and make a new player quit before they figure things out. Hell, even spawncamping is boring af. Don’t you want a challenge?

TL:DR, yeah shuffles can be a pain sometimes, but unless you want to encourage even more players to quit before they reach level 10, they’re necessary. Take a look at the steam reviews. Ignoring the whiny veteran posts, the biggest new player complaint is DB’s balance. Removing the one thing that can aid with balance won’t help.

(GatoCommodore) #9

The thing is these shuffles are getting passed right and left more often than it should right now because the ones that called it arent the completely newbie players rather its the players who already went through probably 100+ hours who already knows how to abuse change team and shuffle system.
And surprise, the shuffle only shuffles the highest scoring dude in the team!
Wouldnt that make you just want to quit the game?
I know i do.

(Press E) #10

I’ve still rarely seen a shuffle pass that wasn’t needed, so idk if I’m just lucky or something, but it sounds like an overexaggeration to me lol

Idk where this hostility to switching teams in general comes from though. In a casual low level match who cares if you get shuffled to another team. You still keep your score, only difference is now you actually have to earn it in a challenge instead of a stomp. If you want to quit a game because there’s a method to get around stomps and spawncamps, then by all means go for it. It’s just poor sportsmanship lol

Besides, the only thing you get for winning is 500 XP. Which if you’re higher than level 10 really means nothing. I’d much rather have a good even match, even if it means I don’t get to win, because I honestly can’t understand how people prefer wiping the floor with a team who doesn’t stand a chance.

TL;DR getting pissed at shuffle abuse, sure, I can see that even if it never happens to me. Getting pissed at shuffles in general is just stupid though. Like I said, it’s not challenging or rewarding at all for the stomping team, and it’s a good way to make new players quit with a nice negative review as a warning. Be a good sport, because it’s a lot more enjoyable.

(D'@athi) #11

Shuffle votes. Yes, I heard of them. I even have seen a few, that went through, and really shuffled to some balanced fun game. In >1k hours, a few.
But yes, probably letting people keep the XP from before the vote, would help in not having them votes dropped 99% of the time. Still don’t know if the “shuffle-balance” nowadays in itself really helps anything :frowning:.

(Stokes) #12

Starry, I see this everyday I play and almost every match I’m in someone tries to shuffle, then sometimes it gets so ridiculous where I’ve been shuffled at least 4 times in one match with two restarts. I agree, there has to be something done about it.

(Teflon Love) #13

It’s probably a reflex.

I have a similar condition: when I join a server and see a bottom scoring Vassili, I instantly start a votekick. :boot:

(Meerkats) #14

Sorry to necro, but, hey, first post!

I’ve noticed since the introduction of level obfuscation, there seem to be fewer attempts to shuffle matches, rather, players straight up just leave. Players are recently starting to rediscover the shuffle button, but I’d say about half my matches still end with the losing team down by two or more players.

Why this is the case, I don’t know. I can only assume under the old system, lowbies would see high level players and kinda go, “they’re not actually better than I am, they’re only beating me because they’re nolife losers,” but now, without that, they just alt+f4.

As for shuffle limits, I would prefer having the player requesting a shuffle be “punished” via forced forfeiture of end gains. As example, if you call a shuffle, you forfeit 67% of your end experience gain and credit reward ( though you should still receive full experience credit toward missions ). Players would of course need to be notified of forfeitures and be asked to confirm their shuffle request.

To veteran players, experience and credits are worth very little, and so, veteran players would likely not hesitate to shuffle if they feel a match is in serious need of rebalance. New players, however, not being as wealthy or experienced, might be discouraged from just calling shuffles whenever they’re not happy with their current match.

Of course, eventually, everybody becomes a veteran, and those players still… lacking fortitude… will still abuse shuffling, so this is only an intermediate deterrent, but I think it would be just enough to help.

(ZaZa) #15

Well, in order to have a shuffle successful you need to have everyone voting too, right.

It is not about incompetence always, sometimes it is just a difference in skill and reaction level and of course some players are faster and more experienced then others and it shows in-game and if you got like few highly experienced players on one team and all beginners on the other team, is it even fun to play then, I mean even for an experienced player, it isn’t that nice, sure you can farm a lot of XP and all, but was it a nice and intense game, uhm, probably not, so definitely a shuffle is needed in such cases, at least in my opinion since I like balanced games.

(GatoCommodore) #16

To newbies, experience and credits worth more so they vote shuffle whenever they are losing

An idea just came up, what if shuffle is only available to older more veteran player?

(kopyright) #17

Sure, but I would still hate to lose all my XP just because I want to balance out things for everybody. Then again, most matches have enough noobs on both sides so it’s not too hard to climb the ranks again, so… maybe?

Most importantly, if you start a Shuffle Vote when C4 is planted on the final objective (or any objective for that matter) you deserve to rot in hell.

(Your worst knifemare.) #18

I’ve seen plenty of veterans abuse it just because they don’t want to lose.

And if the shuffle doesn’t work, they end up rage quitting.

(Begin2018) #19

Yesterday in Bridge two of my team mates tried to shuffle. It didn’t pass. And of course, we won. It happens all the time. Enemy complete first objective? Vote shuffle (or vote restart). The enemy complete 2nd objective? Vote shuffle. 2nd round starting? Vote shuffle. And so on…

And if the shuffle pass, the Stopwatch game is ruined. Now I vote-kick team mates trying to shuffle. And I report them for “Abusive vote shuffle/restart”.

Another example, still yesterday, on Underground. We completed the 1st objective, then a guy of the enemy team ran a abusive restart map and it pass. And as now there is auto-shuffle on restart, I was moved in defence with the ass-hole who ran the restart. I tried to kick him, didn’t pass. Then I did everything to be sure we loose.

(Teflon Love) #20

Hm, here’s another idea: if a shuffle vote does not succeed, the game should automatically kick the player who started it. :smirk: