about your computers

(altiairdavinci661) #1

what processer’s,video cards,ram etc do you guys use?

to splashdamage

(tokamak) #2

Well Exedore made a case for ridiculous rigs for development.
They would be crazy not to play on it and miss all the issues with lower rigs in the process.

(aleihsyahm) #3

what’s the most easy os for a not that keen at computer like me?
seo software
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(Gir) #4

Amiga 1200s


(sdGjoel) #5

For development-machines, we are mostly using Intel Core i7s with 6GB RAM, and 2x22" monitors and an NVIDIA260GTX.

Our testing-rigs are being changed around all the time, but for Brink we used these configurations a lot for internal testing:

  • Intel core2duo, AMD2900XT or 8800GT, 2GB RAM
  • Intel core2quad, AMD4800 or NV260GTX, 4GB RAM
  • Intel core i7, 2xAMD6850 or AMD6990 or NV460, 6GB RAM, 30" monitor

Beyond that, Bethesda have a massive array of different configurations they can do compatibility-testing on.
