I personally think ping/antilag plays a bigger role in hit reg than people think. In ETQW it was very rare to play when everyone had 60 ping or less. It almost never happened. It was consistently a 60 ping game at best.
If everyone has 60+ ping, hit reg is going to suffer. No one really had anything to compare in ETQW. Best case senerio and most player ping 60. Even on LAN, half the players were pinging 30+!
The reason I think ping causes shhit hit reg is because when I play Quakelive, anything above 40 ping is VERY obvious. Hit reg, tracking, delay, everything is more noticeable to me when I have 20 ping or less and so do most of my opponents. We never really got a chance to feel low ping in ETQW so we just assume its shhit reg.
Bring everyone to LAN and fix is so everyone has under 5 ping and I personally think it would be great/not a problem.
What I mean to say in all this is we all considered ~60 ping good in etqw but in reality anything above ~35 ping is going to give someone an advantage. Too much of online hit reg depends on a players personal connection or settings. Its never really fair online. Someone will always have a hit reg advantage.
I remember watching plenty of demos and speccing plenty of players who I personally thought had shhit tracking but would somehow kill people just as fast as player with good tracking. Spray and pray actually works for some people in ETQW! It would be interesting to see if that technique works on LAN or other in games…