… somebody has too much time :uhoh:
about that quake wars delay ...
The music is suitably cheesy.
The music is from Starship Troopers.
Does this mean that Denise Richards will be fighting the Strogg with us next year?
I nominate the creator of that movie for a job in the the forum’s office of silehness. (Hey, we got a forum president, why not the rest as well?)
I guess it’s from Joe999 himself.
He speaks german.
So he might be the movieman.
Blowing up London seems a little cruel. I mean they already have Wils, isn’t that punishment enough?
L.O.L. Hahaha!
Use http://www.keepvid.com/ to download the FLV video file.
It is in FLV format, and play it with FLV player. http://www.simtel.net/product.download.mirrors.php?id=95201
i’m kinda impressed by the quake wars graphics. i mean, compare the strogg characters with the realistic background
i’m eager to find out how it looks like when you create an animated movie with a mix of ingame characters and realistic motion background. need a quake wars demo pleazzzeee!!!
Haha, cool film. No, I am not the person behind Lofi007.
Could it be that the game is soo good that they just cannot stop playing and release it?
my hopes are still at next week’s quakecon. it’s the second time that SD creates a public demo for an event. it’d be about time that they release it for the masses
on the other hand: why should they release a demo? on the average it’s a year until the final game gets released