about that quake wars delay ...

(Joe999) #1

… somebody has too much time :uhoh:


(Nail) #2


(Wils) #3


(Fab) #4

haha… looks like the Strogg just took out London and the SD offices.

(Mars) #5

The music is suitably cheesy. :cool:

(nUllSkillZ) #6

Very nice.
Lofi007 = Loffy?
Although country is AT.

(MrLego) #7

The music is suitably cheesy.

The music is from Starship Troopers.

Does this mean that Denise Richards will be fighting the Strogg with us next year?


(kamikazee) #8

I nominate the creator of that movie for a job in the the forum’s office of silehness. (Hey, we got a forum president, why not the rest as well?)

(carnage) #9

a very clever way to get a message to SD there

(Bravo) #10



that spaceship is the same as from the movie “all your base are belong to us” ? :stuck_out_tongue:

(jjpron) #12

looks like someone set you up a bomb SD!
the movie speaks much truth.

(mortis) #13

Fire For Effect!

(nUllSkillZ) #14

I guess it’s from Joe999 himself.
He speaks german.
So he might be the movieman.

(Shanks) #15

Blowing up London seems a little cruel. I mean they already have Wils, isn’t that punishment enough?

(Etnies) #16

lol savage vid


L.O.L. :smiley: Hahaha!


Use http://www.keepvid.com/ to download the FLV video file.
It is in FLV format, and play it with FLV player. http://www.simtel.net/product.download.mirrors.php?id=95201

(Joe999) #18

i’m kinda impressed by the quake wars graphics. i mean, compare the strogg characters with the realistic background :slight_smile:

i’m eager to find out how it looks like when you create an animated movie with a mix of ingame characters and realistic motion background. need a quake wars demo pleazzzeee!!!

(Loffy) #19

Haha, cool film. No, I am not the person behind Lofi007.
Could it be that the game is soo good that they just cannot stop playing and release it?

(Joe999) #20

my hopes are still at next week’s quakecon. it’s the second time that SD creates a public demo for an event. it’d be about time that they release it for the masses :slight_smile:

on the other hand: why should they release a demo? on the average it’s a year until the final game gets released :frowning: