A few improvements we're working on...

(.Chris.) #101

Yeah because the latest patch is the last patch they are making for Brink and will never update the game ever again.

The first two you list aren’t as simple as people seem to think, they just cant turn of button on and have it magically work. There are fundamental differences between Brink’s iteration of idtech4 from all others that unfortunately meant some features don’t quite work properly yet. They most likely haven’t said anything as they don’t know if they can or can’t get them working or not.

(Rahabib) #102

I think all a lot of people are waiting on is for someone at SD to say “we would like to do this. not sure when. stay tuned.” That would probably be sufficient for some people. Saying nothing, leads us to believe they are ignoring the issues or simply cant with the current engine.

Either way, until these are put in, expect the comp forums to continue asking for them.