mods, if it is OK w/ you please consider maybe stickying this up under the custom map nirvana thread.
I am happy to announce that as a community service to provide more servers for ETQW players and to spread awareness, increase participation and support mod & custom map makers, TAW is launching seven new public custom map and custom mod servers for your ETQW-playing pleasure. All 7 servers will be online 24/7, and all will have autodownload working (all you need to do is connect to the servers and you can download everything you need to play).
Before I continue, i have to give major props to the TAW tech staff team. Their hard work has made all of this possible so if you see the following guys, please give them a big thank you:
You can search for the servers in-game, however, I will also list them all below. I will also come back and edit this list later to include event times beneath each when TAW members will actively try to populate the server and get an event going with the public, but remember, these servers are active all the time, 24/7, so feel free to use them whenever you want. And hey, if you like what you see you can always donate to the TAW QW division to help keep these servers up (we have 4 machines across 2 continents and our monthly server bill is $250(combined estimate of USD$ and GBP$ currency transactions), here is a link if you feel like it:
Also, it would be a shame if I didn’t use this as a recruiting opportunity, so yeah, if you like what you see here then consider applying to TAW and we would most likely love to have you join us.
Without further ado the servers and some info about each one…
TAW|Artists of the Battlefield|Custom Maps
This server is running Quake Wars Tactical Assault mod version 0.3.3 in a configuration we like to call “TA Vanilla” which consists of identical settings to base ETQW plus a few extra things:
[li]right click on airstrike beacon makes airstrike go opposite direction
[/li][li]Oppressors can recal tac shields with right click
[/li][li]backstabs automatically gib
[/li][li]artillery warning for Hammer and DMC is off
[/li][li]Hammer is “nuclear” and EMPs enemy vehicles for 10 seconds
[/li][li]Dark Matter Canon launches gravimetric singularity which sucks things in and blow them out
[/li][li]Quake 4 Railgun which allows strogg railgun shots to go through GDF bodies
[/li][li]and of course shots and explosions draw gruesome spurts of blood from bodies
We found this mod is ideal for running custom maps whereas promod always had hard-coded restrictions such as bugged vehicle spawn times and other problems. Dealing with Azuvector is great, he cares a lot about the mod and made a lot of hotfixes and is very accessible for feedback and suggestions, thanks a lot for this awesome mod man! For our twice-weekly clan matches we ONLY use QWTA, it’s by far the highest quality version of the game out there. Also, it seems the campaign script memory is longer so we can run more campaigns in rotation without requiring a server or client reset. Here is the rotation on the server, which works smoothly and when it completes it restarts over at the beginning:
North Pole Campaign:
Arctic Assault
Western Europe Campaign:
Night Raid (after the war3_b4)
Free Spirit City
Central Europe Campaign:
America Campaign:
Retake of the Andes
African Landing Campaign:
Siwa Oasis
Team Jungle
Under Construction Campaign:
Steedium Mines
Construction Site
Aerial Campaign:
Battlestrogg Galactica
Fun Campaign:
Capture the Flag
Voting and admin on this server has been altered to try and make sure no one breaks the campaign/map rotation or messes with the time limit.
TAW|Artists of the Battlefield|Tribal Wars
This is a server we are happy to host in cooperation with the mod maker, Arcanox, who also allowed us to host this mod during the beta process. During the beta process it was the only server listed which is not on autodownload but after final release it is now on autodownload.
Currently there are two maps in a Capture the Flag rotation running on it:
TAW|Artists of the Battlefield|Dusk
Standard Dusk server, version a8-pre11.
TAW|Artists of the Battlefield|Brace Pub
Standard Brace server, version a3a.
TAW|Artists of the Battlefield|Tactical Assault
Standard Tactical Assault server, version 0.3.3 with all default TA settings, custom maps available by vote.
TAW|Artists of the Battlefield|Pro Pub
Standard Pro-pub with 6 v 6 config loaded. Custom maps available by vote.
TAW|Artists of the Battlefield|Wheels of War
Standard Wheels of War server, custom repack of “alpha 02” that works with autodownload.
Please enjoy all the public servers with our compliments and stop in to say hi! I would also like to invite anyone playing etqw on these servers to come join us as a guest on the TAW teamspeak server. Here are the instructions:
Windows users:
Make sure you get teamspeak 2, NOT teamspeak 3!
Download and install
Then run the program and click CONNECTIONS, then click CONNECT, then under the local address book tab RIGHT CLICK and click ADD SERVER
server label: TAW
server address: TAWTS.COM
nickname: your name
check the ANONYMOUS box
password: (please Pm me for the password)
leave everything else blank/unchecked
then click CONNECT
TS Setup: Click on SETTINGS, click on OPTIONS, click the SOUND NOTIFICATIONS tab, check the box labeled DISABLE ALL SOUND NOTIFICATIONS, click APPLY, then click OK. This will stop the annoying “member joined,” “member left” noises.
Make sure you are using push to talk. Click on SETTINGS, then SOUND INPUT/OUT SETTINGS, then select PUSH TO TALK and set a key for it. Make sure it is a NON-CHARACTER key such as caps lock, control, shift, etc. If you use a character key (ie: letter number or grammar symbol) it will ping a harsh dinging noise when you hold it in.
Make sure you have the right hardware devices on your computer selected. Click on SETTINGS, then OPTIONS and make sure the right devices are highlighted then click APPLY, then click OK.
To talk hold down your push to talk key while talking and your light should light up.
Come on and you will appear in the TAW main lobby, then double click on the ‘Quake Wars’ channel to move yourself there.
Mac users:
To use teamspeak for mac:
- You need the mac client called TeamSpeex found here: - Put it in your applications folder and start it up.
- Press the connect button and get a window
- Fill the same server address as you see above in the windows version
- Put in your nickname
- Click Anonymous
- Enter the Password:
(please PM me for the password) - Set the Port to 8767
- Hit Connect.