dear you doesn’t have principles? :roll:[/quote]
the sooner you drop your ‘principles’ the better.
/happily payed $7 for this months subscription[/quote]
better for whom? if you pay money for a commercial, fine by me. i don’t.[/quote]
better for you, doesn’t really effect me.
and you’re only fooling yourself calling it a commercial.[/quote]
Happens everytime there is a big BETA due out, hoards of little whiners who feel the game companys owe them somthing. If you want to play and are happy to pay Great!, If you want to play and don’t want to pay…tough. :roll:[/quote]
how did i get into this sandwich? waste of time imo to argue with people who are new and get offensive in nearly every post they make :roll:[/quote]
I wouldn’t pay $7 just to be a part of a beta for a month.[/quote]
its like trippen on lsd woooeeeeewooooeeeeee.